
Emmanuel LUCE


En résumé

Good afternoon,

My name is Emmanuel LUCE.I am 35. I work for EUROPE HANDLING, an handling service in CDG Airport. I am the man you need when your bag is delayed or damaged. I use the World Tracer program. I am searching for a professional experience out of France (London,Berlin...).
I want to belong to a company and have the opportunity to start new plans.

I have started as a pollster in a call center. I was specialized in satisfying studies. When I was 22 I became a manager. Then I had in charge the recruitment and the training of the pollsters. And at least I worked as a consultant.
I have been employed by Teleperformance France between 1994 and 2001.

Between 2001 and 2004 I used to be a singer in a Parisan cabaret.I also sang on TV shows (backing vocals)and I have written a musical chronicle for a newspaper.

2005/2006 I worked as a host for different exhibitions in Paris.

In 2006 I have decided to work for Aeroports de Paris as a commercial agent. Now, I have integrated EUROPE HANDLING for British Airways, EMIRATES,EASY JET...

Time is come to start new plans. Time is come to contact people supposed to help me in my researches.

Have a good day,

Best regards,

Emmanuel Luce

Mes compétences :
open mind


  • PCA assistance de British Airways - Agent d' escale

    maintenant Au sein d'une équipe d'une douzaine de personnes,

    Renseigner les passagers sur le suivi des bagages,
    Procéder sur WorldTracer au constat à propos des bagages manquants,
    Identifier et acheminer les bagages en transfer sur les bons vols,
    Identifier les bagages à livrer et établir les borderaux de livraison,
    Répondre au téléphone,
    Faire les recherches auprès des autres compagnies aériennes,
    Assurer l accueil du salon British Airways,


    In a team composed of twelve people,

    Inform passengers about the routing of their luggage,
    Create with World Tracer the files concerning the missings bags,
    Identify and route the bags in transfer on the right flights,
    Identify the bags for the delivey and draw the delivery note,
    Do the researches and contact the companies,
    Be present and welcome the passengers in the British Airways'lounge
  • British Airways - Agent d escale

    Puteaux maintenant


Pas de formation renseignée


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