Je suis maintenant installée à Ondres, dans le sud ouest de la France .
Après avoir travaillé pour Arkéma, sur le site de Lacq, puis sur le site de Mont, j'ai recherché des postes de Management QHSE pour monter en compétences. Je travaille maintenant sur Benesse Maremne depuis Novembre 2016.
Mon expérience en management HSE (DREAL, veille règlementaire, système de management ISO, plans d'urgence..) s'est étoffée et je manage aussi du personnel.
J'aime toujours autant mon métier et, plus que jamais la protection des hommes et de l'environnement est au centre des débats, notamment avec la loi de transition énergétique.
After chemical and material corrosion studies I have started working as HSE Engineer in France, at Marseille Airport.
Then I was recruited by Areva Group to work in Niger, on Uranium mines. It was a wonderful experience, which gave me the opportunity to work onshore, on a site, and to really be confronted with the challenge to assure safety in a culturally different country.
Then I decided to come back to France and I got into Acergy Group (ex Stolt Offshore)in Paris as HSE engineer. My various missions allowed me to work in Angola and Nigeria, on fabrication yards. Hazards are very numerous when working for Offshore Company and I improved my knowledge about managing heavy lift,working at hight, manual handling, high well as taking care of environment with the management of used water, equipment not to be used, gaz and dust emissions...
Finally I left Acergy to work for Technip, in France where I was in in charge of the safety for a project offshore Nigeria. It was a huge project which allowed me to add new competencies to my offshore experience. Then I decided to work abroad and to continue dealing with subsea operations, so I moved to Stavanger, in Norway. I'm an HSE engineer for various subsea projects and it's really interesting because we use Divers for many jobs and hazards are very important then. Also I work a lot with environmental issues to give to divers and workers the best conditions offshore.
Mes compétences :
Plans d'urgence
Rapports d'incidents/ 5M/arbre des causes
Sécurité opérationnelle
Audit interne
Hygiène industrielle
Chimie industrielle
Déclarations règlementaires/organismes extérieurs
SEVESO III seuil haut
Normes ISO
Veille règlementaire
Gestion des déchets