
Emmeline GRILLET

En résumé

Mes compétences :
Mass Spectrometry


  • International School - HR Projects Officer

    2014 - maintenant On-Going projects:
    - Formatting / Creating HR related documents (turnover analyses, policies, procedures, salaries reports...)
    - Managing and updating the complete school organization chart (+500 staff). The org. chart is considering part-timer, temporary and vacant positions etc.
    - Creating a Job Description for every existing position
    - Managing the Staff ID for all new and old employees in order for them to enter the school premises and the community facilities
    - Organizing induction / orientation programme 4-5 times a year for new joiners (sending out invitations, organizing for staff to give the talks etc.)
    - Helping in coordinating and organizing the main week induction for all new staff in september. This include reviewing and preparing all materials (welcome emails and booklet, cultural information, lists of new employee and dependants to be sent out to Housing, Transport and IT departments, making sure everyone signs all attendance lists, arranging for new joiner to open a bank account, getting all their pictures and blood group to be taken for their Residence Permits to be issued

    Other projects:
    - Recruitment (sorting out received CVs, passing them on to the recruiting manager, conducting phone or face-to-face interviews, sending offers and collecting documents from the expatriate candidate in order to obtain a work visa...)
    - Filing all required documents in order to comply with the audit

    The school offers the British Curriculum and the Central Board of Secondary Education.
  • International School - HR Projects Assistant Officer

    2014 - 2014 - Formatting Policies and Procedures
    - Creating the complete school organization chart (+500 staff)
    - Helping in coordinating the week induction for all new staff (70) in september. Making sure everyone signs all attendance lists, arranging for new joiner to open a bank account, getting all their pictures and blood group to be taken for their Residence Permits to be issued
    - Getting a Staff ID for all new and old employees in order for them to enter the school premises and the community facilities

    The school offers the British Curriculum and the Central Board of Secondary Education.
  • Participatory Culture Foundation - Amara Subtitler and Translator (French/English)

    2014 - maintenant - Videos captioning/transcription (French to French)
    - Subtitles translation (English to French)
    - Quality Control of other members of the team's subtitles

    Subtitles are often made for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (SDH) and deadlines (sometimes 24 hours) have to be met to be able to deliver the subtitles to the client on time.

    Team members have to chat and agree on different aspects such as technical terms or work sharing, especially when deadlines are short due to the video going live less than a day after.

    Videos can last from 30 seconds to 1h30 and topics covered are really diverse: science, classes (journalism, excel, mathematics, coding ...), trailers, movies (extracts or entire movies), television coverage, etc.

    Tools used: Amara Editor, Subtitler Edit
  • Pharmaceutical, Peptide Laboratory - Custom R&D peptides Team Leader

    2012 - 2013 - Setting up of the peptides syntheses strategies
    - Solid Phase Peptides Syntheses : manual and automated syntheses (Production, development).
    - ESI mass spectrometry : analyses and interpretation (Masslynx, Excalibur)
    - Setting up of a Quality System in the laboratory
  • Solvay - Peptisyntha - Intern as a Researcher assistant

    2011 - 2011 Liquid Phase Peptide Synthesis in a Process, Development and Scale-up laboratory
    Synthesis of a peptide for a therapeutic aim in liquid phase: research and optimization for the scale-up
  • Les laboratoires Urgo - Intern as a Quality-Control Technician

    Chenôve 2007 - 2007 Dosage of a healing sugar incorporated in a wound-dressing using a High Performance Liquid Chromatography (refractometric detector). Raw materials analyses (infrared spectroscopy, density and viscosity measures)


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