


En résumé

Hello, my name is Fabien Franco and I am seeking a Senior Management position in Finance and Administration using acquired global experiences in financial management, banking, information system as well as audit and accounting. I am a French native speaker and fluent in English. I have more than 10 years of professional experience including 8 years as a manager. I am currently located in Malaysia and very interested in Asian and African countries. Do not hesitate to contact me in order to discuss further my qualifications and international experiences. Best regards, Fabien.

Mes compétences :
Data Management
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Malaysia - Manager Pricing & Data Management (Transition Project)

    2010 - 2011 • Activity: Manager in charge of transferring all Pricing activities (Smart Sourcing) from Singapore to Malaysia 290 processes and 60,000 financial securities priced daily.
    • Management: Set up of the transition plan, implementation of a new team in Malaysia (16 agents and 4 trainers), management of two teams Singapore & Malaysia (Total of 34 persons), focus on quality, communication & organization, transfer completed successfully (4 weeks ahead of schedule).
    • Monitoring: Presentation of the transition project to executives (baseline, scope, duration, task, resources, cost), preparation of monthly executive reporting, bi-weekly conference call with Senior Managers (Key quality and performance reporting), close collaboration and communication with European and Asian managers.
  • Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Singapore - Manager - Pricing Asian Center

    2009 - 2010 • Activity: Pricing and evaluation of all type of financial instruments using data providers and a newly in-house pricing system (CPS). Follow up on data delivery to the accounting system (Multifonds) and on the net asset value (NAV) calculation.
    • Management: 15 persons, organization, structure, budget, communication, reporting and training. Information system analysis, request for development and follow up.
    • Monitoring: Focus on performance and quality indicators as well as IT and IS (Reporting, objectives, procedures and controls).
    • Improvement: Finance and pricing training program, working groups (Client, Process & IT/IS) and cross training or “rotation program”.
    • Project: New clients’ integration, implementation of new activities, request and follow up for new system development.
    • Results: 15 team members, 60,000 prices deliver per day, Q-ratio: 99.996%, 6 Sigma.
  • Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Luxembourg - Associate Manager - Financial Securities (Transition Project)

    2007 - 2007 • Project Objective: Set up a new Security Master-file department in Singapore and implement a global delivery model using an in house security system (MDF) and accounting system (Multifonds).
    • Project initiation: Audit and review of all Security Master-file activities, processes, procedures and controls in Luxembourg.
    • Project planning and design: Establishment of baseline, scope, duration, task, resources, cost.
    • Final stage: Project presentation, final validation and implementation in Singapore.
  • Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Singapore - Manager – Financial Securities

    2007 - 2009 • Activity: Financial securities analysis, booking and processing using an in-house information system (MDF) as well as the accounting system (Multifonds). Follow up and close collaboration with Accounting teams in Asia and Europe in order to proceed NAV calculation
    ? and trades booking.
    • Management: Implementation of a specific recruitment process and training program. Organization of activities transfer & implementation.
    • Monitoring: Control, statistics, focus on organization, structure and communication.
    • Result: 10 team members, 35,000 operations per month, Client Satisfaction: 99.77%, 6 Sigma
  • Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Luxembourg - Specialist Fund Tax

    2006 - 2006 • Activity: Analyzed and published taxable income from investment funds according to German regulations.
    • Improved calculation processes and work procedures.
    • Collaborated and communicated with auditors in order to get certifications.
    • Provided clients with specific information about European, German or Austrian tax regulations.
  • Kent State University - Internal Audit - Finance & Compliance

    2005 - 2006 • Activity: Worked in tandem with two departments: Internal Audit & Security and Compliance. Helped both departments to put KSU (budget: $500 millions) in compliance with USA standards.
    • Established survey and audit program in order to test the university’s departments for compliance.
    • Launched survey, conducted audit and reported results as well as recommendations to management.
    • Project: Start IT auditing activities in collaboration with the Internal Audit Manager.
  • GETMA (NCT Necotrans) - Associate Financial Director

    2000 - 2003 • Activity: Responsible for finance and administrative functions of the Cameroonian branch (200 employees) in collaboration with the financial director.
    • Managed the main customer accounts: SOCAR (Belgian charter - $2.8 Million) and GRIMALDI (Italian ship owner - $2.3 Million).
    • Established, maintained and analyzed monthly financial reporting ($11 Million) for the Paris HQ.
    • Analyzed and published the financial statements ($132 Million) in collaboration with the financial director and auditors.
    • Improved and optimized day-to-day processes in collaboration with the Senior accountant.
    • Project – Recruited, trained and implemented a new team: financial shipping reports – 2 persons.
    • Project – Recruited, trained and implemented a new team: Recovery department - 3 persons.
    • Project – Organized weekly meetings with operational services: Profit optimization.
  • F.M. WELLFIT - South Africa - Associate Director

    2000 - 2000 • Analyzed tender & Elaborate offers and quotes in collaboration with the Director.
    • Recorded invoices & Handled billing, cash flow and financial statements.
    • Project - Assisted the Director with the creation of a new agricultural company.



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