Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Malaysia
- Manager Pricing & Data Management (Transition Project)
2010 - 2011
• Activity: Manager in charge of transferring all Pricing activities (Smart Sourcing) from Singapore to Malaysia 290 processes and 60,000 financial securities priced daily.
• Management: Set up of the transition plan, implementation of a new team in Malaysia (16 agents and 4 trainers), management of two teams Singapore & Malaysia (Total of 34 persons), focus on quality, communication & organization, transfer completed successfully (4 weeks ahead of schedule).
• Monitoring: Presentation of the transition project to executives (baseline, scope, duration, task, resources, cost), preparation of monthly executive reporting, bi-weekly conference call with Senior Managers (Key quality and performance reporting), close collaboration and communication with European and Asian managers.
Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Singapore
- Manager - Pricing Asian Center
2009 - 2010
• Activity: Pricing and evaluation of all type of financial instruments using data providers and a newly in-house pricing system (CPS). Follow up on data delivery to the accounting system (Multifonds) and on the net asset value (NAV) calculation.
• Management: 15 persons, organization, structure, budget, communication, reporting and training. Information system analysis, request for development and follow up.
• Monitoring: Focus on performance and quality indicators as well as IT and IS (Reporting, objectives, procedures and controls).
• Improvement: Finance and pricing training program, working groups (Client, Process & IT/IS) and cross training or “rotation program”.
• Project: New clients’ integration, implementation of new activities, request and follow up for new system development.
• Results: 15 team members, 60,000 prices deliver per day, Q-ratio: 99.996%, 6 Sigma.
Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Luxembourg
- Associate Manager - Financial Securities (Transition Project)
2007 - 2007
• Project Objective: Set up a new Security Master-file department in Singapore and implement a global delivery model using an in house security system (MDF) and accounting system (Multifonds).
• Project initiation: Audit and review of all Security Master-file activities, processes, procedures and controls in Luxembourg.
• Project planning and design: Establishment of baseline, scope, duration, task, resources, cost.
• Final stage: Project presentation, final validation and implementation in Singapore.
Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Singapore
- Manager – Financial Securities
2007 - 2009
• Activity: Financial securities analysis, booking and processing using an in-house information system (MDF) as well as the accounting system (Multifonds). Follow up and close collaboration with Accounting teams in Asia and Europe in order to proceed NAV calculation
? and trades booking.
• Management: Implementation of a specific recruitment process and training program. Organization of activities transfer & implementation.
• Monitoring: Control, statistics, focus on organization, structure and communication.
• Result: 10 team members, 35,000 operations per month, Client Satisfaction: 99.77%, 6 Sigma
Royal Bank of Canada-Dexia Luxembourg
- Specialist Fund Tax
2006 - 2006
• Activity: Analyzed and published taxable income from investment funds according to German regulations.
• Improved calculation processes and work procedures.
• Collaborated and communicated with auditors in order to get certifications.
• Provided clients with specific information about European, German or Austrian tax regulations.
Kent State University
- Internal Audit - Finance & Compliance
2005 - 2006
• Activity: Worked in tandem with two departments: Internal Audit & Security and Compliance. Helped both departments to put KSU (budget: $500 millions) in compliance with USA standards.
• Established survey and audit program in order to test the university’s departments for compliance.
• Launched survey, conducted audit and reported results as well as recommendations to management.
• Project: Start IT auditing activities in collaboration with the Internal Audit Manager.
GETMA (NCT Necotrans)
- Associate Financial Director
2000 - 2003
• Activity: Responsible for finance and administrative functions of the Cameroonian branch (200 employees) in collaboration with the financial director.
• Managed the main customer accounts: SOCAR (Belgian charter - $2.8 Million) and GRIMALDI (Italian ship owner - $2.3 Million).
• Established, maintained and analyzed monthly financial reporting ($11 Million) for the Paris HQ.
• Analyzed and published the financial statements ($132 Million) in collaboration with the financial director and auditors.
• Improved and optimized day-to-day processes in collaboration with the Senior accountant.
• Project – Recruited, trained and implemented a new team: financial shipping reports – 2 persons.
• Project – Recruited, trained and implemented a new team: Recovery department - 3 persons.
• Project – Organized weekly meetings with operational services: Profit optimization.
F.M. WELLFIT - South Africa
- Associate Director
2000 - 2000
• Analyzed tender & Elaborate offers and quotes in collaboration with the Director.
• Recorded invoices & Handled billing, cash flow and financial statements.
• Project - Assisted the Director with the creation of a new agricultural company.