- CEO & Co-founder
2014 - maintenant
Boxmyjob est un service web gratuit pour centraliser toute votre recherche d'emploi ou de stage sur le web. Sauvegardez les offres qui vous intéressent à partir de n'importe quel site grâce au bouton Box it, gérez vos offres au sein de l'univers Boxmyjob et postulez plus simplement grâce au Box it.
- Co-project manager
2010 - 2011
• Led technical teams that pioneered a system for recording live concerts that can then be shared with the audience via a set of interactive multimedia terminals (HTML, JS, Java, C, Ethernet, Wi-Fi...)
• Acted as technical consultant for the CEO who commissioned the project and liaised with the technical and design teams
• Analyzed the goals and needs of the project, and generated technical proposals that detailed the user experience
• Presented the prototype to French government officials, who approved the project
Studio Hamburg
- Assistant project manager, lead developer
2010 - 2010
• Kept the contact with different Studio Hamburg’s service providers regarding the project
• Managed and set up a new interface for TV Phillips which provide a VoD to the Studio Hamburg’s customers
• Conducted a research survey concerning the different methods of protecting media (DRM)
SFS intec
- Developer
2008 - 2008
• Implemented a database in order to easily manage
the products and increase the efficiency of the tooling team
• Interviewed SFS Intec’s personnel to understand the needs
• Trained personnel to use and maintain the new database
- Internship
2007 - 2007
• Interviewed the Thales Avionics’ personnel to understand the needs of the ISS department
• Implemented a communication software in order to make the teams able to share and manage information about the department’s various project
• Trained personnel to manage and maintain the new tool