Mes compétences :
International business
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management
Tax law
French MOFA
- Mission des fonctionnaires internationaux
European Court of Justice
- Lawyer Linguist
2009 - 2010
European Commission Delegation to Vietnam
- Legal advisor
2008 - 2008Identification of the Delegation’s new governance programme: study of the state of play and progress made in the implementation of Government strategies, in-depth overview of current and planned Donor assistance in the area of governance, along with options and recommendations for further intervention.
- Project Manager
2006 - 2008Adetef, Hanoi, Vietnam - Cooperation agency of the French Ministry of finance and economy
Project: Support to Vietnam’s integration into international trade” , 1,6 M. €
- Monitoring work plans and budget, supervising the day to day operations, missions and activities
- Providing advice and technical assistance to the Vietnamese Ministry of Trade related to the improvement of the regulatory framework (legal reform with respect to WTO standards and Vietnam’s commitments under WTO)
- Preparing terms of reference and identifying international experts and consultants
- Liaising with Vietnamese and foreign institutions for the implementation of the project and needs’ assessment of beneficiaries
Maison du Droit vietnamo-française
- Legal policy project officer
2005 - 2006Maison du Droit Vietnamo-Française, Hanoi,Vietnam - Employed by the French Foreign Affairs Office
- Monitoring legal reform in Vietnam : legal analysis and advice on draft Vietnamese legislation
- Coordination of regional legal cooperation activities in cooperation with OIF (International organisation for the French-Speaking world)
- Implementation of two components of projects funded by the French Foreign Affairs Office related to the capacity building of judges and the setting up of Public notaries in Vietnam with the Ministry of Justice and the Judicial Academy of Hanoi