


En résumé

19 années d'expérience dans la vente de solutions télécom dans dans des entreprises internationales m'ont offert des connaissances en marketing, gestion d'équipe et management de résultats commerciaux.
Souvent à l'origine des succès des sociétés qui m'ont fait confiance, je suis particulièrement efficace dans le lancement de nouveaux marchés.

Mes compétences :
Sales experience
Sales development
Country Management
Développement commercial
Business development
Gestion de projet
Commerce international
Sales Force


  • Pexip - International Sales Director France Middle East & Africa

    2015 - maintenant
  • AXEOS -  Business Development Director

    2013 - 2014 * Developing the starting activity in Europe and open new markets (Sweeden, Germany, Israel)
    * Building a stable Channels in Europe ;
    * Creation of US Corporation in Miami (business plan, contracts, lawyers, logistics, Channels, Sales...) ;
    * US market analysis (competition, channels, pricing, local design, main markets...) ;
    * Marketing activity (leads creation, brand awareness, exhibitions, newsletter, social networks) ;
    * Management, training and development of the sales team (1 Export Sales Manager, 1 US market Representative to be
    * Strategic Partnerships (OEM, Distribution)
  • LifeSize - Sales Area Manager Turkey, Israel and all Africa

    2012 - 2013 * Developing the starting activity in the region ;
    * Responsible of the totality of revenue for Turkey, Israel & Africa ;
    * Sales Management on major tenders (Ministry of Justice in Morocco, Maccabi in Israel, VOX in South Africa) ;
    * Building and developing sales strategy (Tier 2 and Tier3) ;
    * Marketing activity (local Press relationship, leads creation, brand awareness, incentives) ;
    * Strategic Partnership relationship (Alcatel, Microsoft)
  • LifeSize Communications - Regional Sales Manager Afrique

    2011 - 2013 Je suis en charge du development de LifeSize sur le territoire Africain
  • LifeSize Communications - Country Manager

    2006 - 2011 LifeSize est le leader de la vidéoconférence Haute Définition. J'ai ouvert la structure en France avec la responsabilité de développer les ventes, le réseau de distributeurs, l'équipe commerciale, la notoriété de la marque,...

    La France est aujourd'hui un marché stratégique avec des clients qui ont décidé de changer leur matériel pour notre technologie (ex Thales, Cartier, certains CHU,...).
  • LifeSize - Country Manager France and Maghreb

    2006 - 2011 * Launching the activity in France, Maghreb
    * Developing sales from start ;
    * Negotiations of Global Purchasing Agreement (Thales, INEO) ;
    * Building and developing sales strategy (Tier 2 and Tier3) ;
    * Recruitment and team management ;
    * Marketing activity (local Press relationship, leads creation, brand awareness) ;
    * Strategic Partnership ;
    * Office management (rental, network, showroom,...) ;
    * Results : 2007 = 850k$ / 2008= 1700k$ / 2009 = 2500k$ / 2010 = 4300k$ / 2011 = 5300k
  • TANDBERG Telecom - Key Account Manager

    2002 - 2006 * Complete management of long sales cycles (3 to 10 months): prospection, qualification, negotiation, closing, legal. ;
    * Management of internationals projects including Voice + data + network and video (RFI and RFP) ;
    * Negotiations of Global Purchasing Agreement with key customers on manufacturing sector ;
    * Key new customers : EADS (Airbus, Astrium,...), Renault, VINCI, ESSILOR, Bouygues ;
    * Relationship with business partners as CISCO, IBM, Microsoft, SIEMENS ;
    * Key contacts: CIOs, CTOs, CFOs ;
    * Results : Best key Account Manager 2003 for Southern Europe, 112% in 2004 and 122% in 2005 of revenue and
    margin targets
  • TANDBERG telecom - Key Account Manager

    2002 - 2006 j'ai rejoint l'équipe Tandberg France pour mettre a profit mon expérience de la vente de solution Telecom dans les Grands Comptes Industriels français.
    EADS, Essilor, Schlumberger, Dassault Systems, Bouygues, Lafarge sont autant de clients qui ont choisit la technologie Tandberg alors que j'etais Key Account Manager.
  • Level3 - Key Account Manager

    2001 - 2002 Provider of telecommunication solutions
    Key Account Manager

    * Complete management of long sales cycles (3 to 10 months): prospection, qualification, negociation, closing, legal. ;
    * Need analysis, technical and financial solution proposals in LAN and WAN (IP VPN, fiber, bandwith, leased line) ;
    * Key customers : Schlumberger - Airbus
  • CEGETEL - Sales representative

    1998 - 2001 * Development manager in charge of the distribution channels in geography (BtoB: Voice, data and mobiles). ;
    * Team manager, sales reps trainer and channel development manager (« espace SFR » and « E-phone).

    Territory manager (1 year) CEGETEL (VODAFONE Company)

    * Management of a sales territory including Superstores, Specialized stores, independants, partners (channel distribution). ;
    * Negociation and management of merchandisisng and promotional partnerships.

  • SFR - Ingenieur commercial

    1996 - 2001



Annuaire des membres :