Banking and Micro finance sector consultant with 8 years of experience, including more than 2 years within International Finance Corporation as Short Term Consultant and 3.5 years with PwC as Senior Consultant within the advisory financial services practice.
Provided advisory and consultancy services for clients in emerging countries of the MENA region as well as in France. Clients included: Banque Centrale Populaire, Al Barid Bank, CIH Bank, Amen Bank, Societe generale Algeria, Fondation Banque Populaire, FONDEP, Enda Inter Arabe…
Key areas of expertise include:
• Risk Management: strategy, governance, organization, processes, credit, operational and ALM risk management, Anti Money Laundering (AML)
• Internal Control: organization, process and tools
• Data analysis and modeling
• SME Banking: segmentation, coverage model
• Process reengineering and optimization (performance and benefit measures) – use Lean and 6 Sigma Tools & Transform methodology from PwC
Mes compétences :
Risque opérationnel
Contrôle interne