Mes compétences :
Corporate Law
Contract law
International Law
Maître Maman BENOUAICH Avocat au Barreau de Toulouse
- Stagiaire
Language Exchange International
- Stagiaire
maintenantCorrection et Rédaction des statuts de l'association en français et en anglais
Veille juridique au près des Membres adhérents et associations informelles
Rédaction d'un guide destiné aux associations informelles: comment devenir une association légale en France/ en Italie / en Espagne et au Royaume Uni. Guide écrit en français et en anglais.
Samsung Electronics
- In-House lawyer in contract and competition law
Saint-Ouen Cedex2014 - maintenant
- In-House Lawyer in distribution and competition law
Düsseldorf2014 - 2014
- In-house business and competition Lawyer
Notre-Dame de Gravenchon2013 - 2014Proofreading and amending contracts: user agreement in aviation retail, commercial agent, commissioning.
Researches: business lawx and franch and european competition regulations (cartel, anti-trust, wrongful termination of contractual relations).
Nisssan West Europe
- In-House International Lawyer
2012 - 2013Dealing with consumer litigation supported by lawyer.
Amending and drafting contracts in commercial law (disclosure agreement, suplly agreement, settlement agreement).
Proactive collaboration with other business line (marketing, R&D, buyers).
DLA Piper
- Intern
Paris2012 - 2012Intern in the Litigation & Regulatory department.
Competition - Distribution - Consumer protection
RR.Chelliah Brothers
- In-House Lawyer
2012 - 2012General Litigation & Regulatory Law - in English and Malay
University Of Dundee (Dundee)
Dundee2011 - 2011Postgraduate LLM in private International LAw