
Ferenc TOTH


En résumé

Mes compétences :
C Programming Language
MySQL Workbench
Logic Design
Visual Studio 2010
Enterprise JavaBeans
Service-oriented architecture
Java EE
Java SE
Sharp Develop
Apache Tomcat Servlet Engine
Object-Oriented Programming
Good communication and medium teamwork skills


  • Ecole Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis - Assistant researcher

    2014 - 2014 Laboratoire de rechercher I3S - Ecole Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis,
    - As a start of the internship, I have familiarized myself with the domain of the Semantic Web and respectively with the SPARQL and RDF technologies.
    - Afterwards, the next step was to get familiar with existing SPARQL benchmarks in order to allow a comparative overview of what they had already covered in terms of semantic data set features and what was still needed for examination.
    - This bibliographical study was followed by a practical deployment procedure for existing types of SPARQL endpoints and federation engines on a large-scale infrastructure. In particular, these procedures were achieved for the KGRAM federation engine and Jena Fuseki SPARQL endpoint - in spite of this, however, the deployment process was intended to be generalized for covering other types of entities from these 2 categories.
    - As a test platform for the deployment of these entities, the Grid'5000 environment has been used.
    - The first realization achieved for this project was the design of an experiment description language (EDL) which has been used for expressing both deployment parameters of the examined entities as well as features of the examined data sets.
    - Once this previous achievement has been realized, the next step was to create an application which could interpret this language and turn the sample specifications written in it into practice. This application consisted of the following software components: EDL parser, Deployment simulator, Deployment scenario writer and Deployment executor.
  • ArtSoft Consult SRL - Assistant Programmer

    2012 - 2012 Development of Java Web applications by using the Eclipse IDE for development as well as a
    MySQL workbench for storing related data and the Tomcat webserver for deployment. The employed
    technologies were: the Hibernate framework for ensuring a persistent database access, respectively
    the Spring andSpring MVC frameworks for creating the business and presentation tiers.

    -Participation to a one-month training for familiarization with the technologies inquestion - as well as
    getting accustomed to the Java Web technology used in my later projects developed at the Distributed


  • Ecole Polytech'Nice (Ex ESSI) - Université De Nice Sophia-Antipolis

    Sophia Antipolis 2013 - 2014 Master 2 IFI Ubinet

    Main disciplines of study:
    - Wireless Networks I, Evolving Internet I, Evolving Internet II
    - Algorithms for Telecommunications I, Performance Evaluation of Networks I, Performance Evaluation of Networks II, Distributed Algorithms
    - Middleware for Ubiquitous Computing, Large Scale Distributed Systems
    - Compute and Data Clouds, Application Security and Intrusion Detection
    - Practical internshi
  • Technical University Of Cluj-Napoca - ROUMANIE (Cluj Napoca)

    Cluj Napoca 2009 - 2013 Licence, Bac + 3

    Main subjects studied:
    - Programming Techniques, Software Engineering and Design, Distributed Systems
    - Computer Networks, Computer Networks Design
    - Logic Design, Digital Systems Design, Structure of Computer Systems, Design with Microprocessors

    Capabilities gained:
    - Usage and understanding of the Java programming language and platform - both Standard and Enterprise Editio


Annuaire des membres :