
Floréal SOTTO


En résumé

Je suis depuis plus de 9 ans spécialisée dans le domaine de la prévention des discriminations. Mon expérience professionnelle et mon engagement personnel m’ont menée à piloter de nombreux projets dans les secteurs privés et publics, notamment en réalisant des diagnostics, en animant plus de 600 formations et en créant des outils pédagogiques innovants. Mon engagement contre les discriminations est centré sur la construction de réponses pragmatiques pour les professionnel-les et pour le grand public, notamment dans le domaine de l'éducation et de l'emploi. Ma créativité, mon goût du travail en équipe et ma grande capacité d’adaptation me permettent de développer des méthodologies d’intervention attractives et efficaces. Interventions internationales possibles. Bilingue français/ anglais.

Mes compétences :


  • CNFPT - Formatrice

    Paris 2014 - 2016 Le CNFPT propose une offre de formations à la lutte contre les discriminations aux territoriaux. Au cours des 3 dernières années, j'ai animé environ 40 formations pour plusieurs collectivités territoriales.
    J'ai également eu l'occasion de réaliser des formations de formateurs sur les "comportements problématiques des stagiaires en formation" (bavardages, désintérêt, téléphone portable, propos à caractères discriminants, etc.)
  • Les Zégaux - Directrice associée

    2013 - 2016 Les Zégaux is a not-for-profit organisation created by two anti-discrimination specialists. Combining a militant approach with a consulting experience, this project aims to trigger and support a lasting engagement against all forms of discrimination.

    Creating Les Zégaux responds to the necessity to propose more rigorous and innovative methodologies in dealing with discrimination in the French context, without masking the power dynamics at work.

    We offer trainings for professionals, awareness workshops for children and teenagers, create educational tools and conduct studies mainly in the fields of education and employment.
  • ALTIDEM - Diversity Consultant

    2008 - 2013 Project management:
     Steered annual report and training projects which focused on overcoming discrimination
     Identified needs and defined objectives for the report, developed methodology to meet clients need, oversaw the planning, created tools to facilitate the project deployment
     Developed and carried out training projects: created contents, technical organization of the trainings deployment, control trainings quality
     Developed working groups, trained the members and created tools to allow them to improve awareness and pragmatic solutions in their institution
     Strongly dedicated to building good working relationships with the internal team and clients.

     Expert in conceptualizing educational methods about discrimination (gender, race, multiple discrimination, disability, age, political or religious inequality)
     Led more than 300 hundred interactive trainings (ranging in length from 1 to 10 days) with executive comity, managers, human resource employees, teachers, media, etc.
     Designed and executed seminars
     Developed human resources workshops and tools for non-discriminatory hiring practices.

     Participated in steering committees
     Conducted sociological interviews, quantitative surveys, and detailed analyses of data and survey responses
     Authored operational reports, presented the study results in conferences, proposed opportunities for improvement
     Conducted reports focused on overcoming gender discrimination at workplace,
     Produce sociological research to share with the internal team

    Creation of communication tools
     Created customized learning tools including booklets, quiz and games to encourage people to rethink stereotypes, and improve the awareness of employees in companies
     Designed and wrote a Serious Game and an E-learning developed the script, including extensive simulation exercises, wrote the interactive dialogues
  • MOZAIK RH - Diversity Recruiter

    2007 - 2007 Identified promising minorities and connected them to major firms, job placement
    Contacted large organizations to explain the benefit of hiring diverse applicants.
    Led workshops with students to improve their resumes, and their interview skills
  • Paris VII Denis Diderot - Teacher/ tutor

    2007 - 2016 Developed customized lessons on anti-discrimination policies in France and in EU for more than 30 graduate and undergraduate students
    Tutored graduate students (in sociology) in their research of work, organized meetings, reviewed resume network
  • - Journalist intern

    2005 - 2005 Managed daily prioritization and execution of news stories
    Composed articles on current events in Africa and in Europe about African culture
    Prepared of a report on affirmative action in European Union



    New York 2010 - 2011 International exchange at a graduate level

    Sociology of discrimination - Selected coursework includes: sociology, economics, psychology and philosophy focused on gender and racial discrimination, diversity, inclusion and immigration issues
  • Université Paris VII Denis Diderot (Paris)

    Paris 2007 - 2008 Master's degree

    Sociologie des discriminations - Selected coursework includes: sociology focuses on power and domination, gender and racial issues, anti-discrimination politics, law

    Thesis: “Methods of Evaluation of Discrimination in the Workplace in France”
  • Université Paris VII Denis Diderot (Paris)

    Paris 2006 - 2007 Master's degree

    Literature , Art and Contemporary Thought - Thesis: “The Construction of Stereotypes about Blacks in French Literature”
  • Université Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne

    Paris 2006 - 2007 Undergraduate studies in law and international policies (L1)

    Law and International Policie


Annuaire des membres :