
Florent PACLET


En résumé

The current research program is aimed at understanding of the hand biomechanics and finger coordination/control in prehension tasks involving several digits, force sharing among fingers as a model of the redundancy problem, biomechanics and control of manipulation in elderly and in patients with central and peripheral motor disorders, e.g. in patients with Parkinson disease. A continuing focus for many of the research projects will be analyzing the biomechanical aspects of motor control problems especially related to manipulation of the hand-held objects. This direction of research combines biomechanics, motor control, robotics and clinical disciplines.

Mes compétences :
Biomechanical Models
EMG signal processing
Mathematical Optimization
Clinical research
Man Machine Interface
Motion capture


  • Université de Bordeaux - Maître de Conférences

    Bordeaux 2014 - maintenant
  • Université de Grenoble - Post Doctorant

    2014 - 2014
  • PennState University - Scholar Post Doctoral in Kinesiolgy/Biomechanics/Motor Control

    2012 - 2013 The current research program is aimed at understanding of the hand biomechanics and finger coordination/control in prehension tasks involving several digits, force sharing among fingers as a model of the redundancy problem, biomechanics and control of manipulation in elderly and in patients with central and peripheral motor disorders, e.g. in patients with Parkinson disease. A continuing focus for many of the research projects will be analyzing the biomechanical aspects of motor control problems especially related to manipulation of the hand-held objects. This direction of research combines biomechanics, motor control, robotics and clinical disciplines.
  • Université de Grenoble - A.T.E.R

    2009 - 2011 Activité d’enseignement
    Mes activités d’enseignement se sont déroulées à l’Université Joseph Fourier (UJF, Grenoble 1) à UFR STAPS (Sciences et Techniques des Activités Physiques et Sportives) au travers de cours magistraux et de travaux dirigés ainsi que de travaux pratiques pour un total de 500 heures.

    2007-2011 Co-encadrement de 4 étudiants MASTER 2 recherche
    2 étudiants MASTER 1 recherche
    2010-2011 ATER plein-temps à l’UFRAPS de Grenoble/Valence en Biomécanique
    2009-2010 ATER mi-temps à l’UFRAPS de Grenoble/Valence en Biomécanique
    2005-2009 Vacations à l’UFRAPS de Grenoble/Valence en Biomécanique
    2009 Formateur en Biomécanique au GUC pour le BPJEPS
    2008 Vacations à l’UFRAPS de Grenoble en Informatique en 2e Année



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