Mes compétences :
Finance Internationale
Financements structurés
Microsoft Project
Project Finance
- Responsable Trésorerie, Crédit et Export
Villeurbanne2010 - maintenant
Jacquet Metals
- Group Treasurer
2008 - 2010JACQUET METALS – Lyon (69) France
Listed on Compartment B on the EURONEXT Paris Stock Exchange
(Code ISIN FR 0000038747)
- Cash Management : Bank accounts, treasury forecasts, inflows and outflows
- Exchange risk management : position and hedging
- Financing : short and medium term loans
- Project and export finance
Saint-Denis2005 - 2008Project and Export Finance France – SIEMENS Financial Services France
Treasury - Trade Finance & Guarantees
- Implementation of a new Enterprise Resources Planning : Spiridon/SAP
Credit and Risk Management Modules,
Valuation Allowances of receivables and Treasury modules
- Credit Management : Rating of customers and determination of credit limits; in order to have a process allowance of receivables according to the Siemens Guidelines
- Financing : negotiation of pre-financing credit and implementation of a bank pool
Financial Risk Calculation, Export Credit Insurance
- Cash Management : Bank accounts, treasury forecasts, inflows and outflows
- Exchange Risk management : position and hedging
- Coface Change Guarantees : management of risk exchange during bid period
- Management of bank and corporate guarantees (advance payment, performance, bid bond, …)
- Sales of receivables to internal and third parties
- Branch offices follow - up
- Netting
- Integration of treasury flows into balance sheet and P&L