


En résumé

François Le Chevalier is Emeritus Professor “Radar Systems Engineering” at Delft University of Technology (The Netherlands), and Chief Scientist (retired) of Thales Land Air Systems, based in Rungis (94), France.
A French pionneer in adaptive digital beamforming and STAP radar systems demonstrations, his current research activities include space-time coding for active antenna systems, and wideband unambiguous radar systems.
He has been active in- or chairing- the Technical Program Committees of most IEEE International Radar Conferences since Brest, 1999, has recently chaired the Technical Program Committee of EURAD 2012, Amsterdam, and was the Honorary Chair of SEE/IEEE International Radar Conference in France, 2014.
An author of many papers, tutorials, and patents in radar and electronic warfare, Prof. Le Chevalier is the author of a book on “Radar and Sonar Signal Processing Principles” published by Artech House in 2002, editor of “Non-Standard Antennas”, published by Wiley in 2010, co-author of "Waveform Design and Diversity for Advanced Radar Systems (Chapter 13)" , published by IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation series in 2012, co-author of “Principles of Modern Radar: Advanced Techniques (Chapter 11)”, published by Scitech, IET Publishing, 2012, and co-author of “Advanced Ultrawideband Radar: Signals, Targets, and Applications (Chapter 12)”, December 2016, CRC Press.
François Le Chevalier will act as Honorary Chair for SEE-IEEE International Radar Conference, Toulon France, 2019.

Mes compétences :
Traitement du Signal
Waveform Design
Intellectual Property Law
Electronic Warfare


  • AICPRAT - Animateur des Conférences Scientifiques AICPRAT

    2017 - maintenant
  • Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands - Professor, Radar Systems Engineering

    2009 - maintenant
  • Thales - Scientific Director (retired in 2016)

    Courbevoie 1986 - maintenant Technical design authority for the 1st French ground-based demonstrator of real-time digital adaptive beamforming (SAFRAN demonstrator), successfully realised and experimented.

    Definition and promotion of studies on RF multifunction sensors for future air combat systems: high frequency (6-18 GHz) low observable targeting systems, and low frequency (UHF - L band) anti-stealth acquisition systems.

    Technical design authority for the EDA Project SIMCLAIRS (Studies for Integrated Multifunction Compact Lightweight Airborne Radars and Systems) on multifunction radiofrequency payloads for tactical UAVs.

    STAP Network: European initiative for cooperation on Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) processing in Europe.

    Honorary Chair, International Radar Conference 2014 (SEE-IEEE), Lille, France, October 2014
  • ONERA - Chef de Groupe de Recherches

    Palaiseau 1974 - 1986 Analyse et reconnaissance des signatures radar



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