
Frédéric TEXIER


En résumé

Mes compétences :
attaché de presse
Communication de crise
Oil & Gaz
Relations médias


  • Total

    COURBEVOIE maintenant
  • Total - Responsable Communications Energies Nouvelles

    COURBEVOIE 2012 - maintenant Communications Manager, New Energies Division, Total, Headquarters, Paris, France

    • Manage a team of 8 people / X M€ budget.
    • In charge of communication of the New Energies division, focusing on solar and biomass - Total, which holds a 66% stake in SunPower, is a world leader in solar energy.
    • Produce and apply a global communication strategy for the New Energies Division of the Group, focusing on solar and biomass.
    • Develop External and Internal communication messages, tools and events in order to enhance the visibility of the Group.
    • Coordinate communication activities initiated by Total’s New Energies affiliates.
    • Empower SunPower communication actions in key countries.
    • Advise senior management, including the President of New Energies, on communication issues.
    • Crisis communication
  • Total S.A. - Attaché de presse

    COURBEVOIE 2009 - 2012 Press officer, Corporate Communications, Total, Headquarters, Paris, France

    · Build a strong network of French journalists covering the oil and gas and energy sector.
    · Communicate regularly with the international media.
    · Manage information and interview requests from journalists.
    · Produce key message documents and Q&As on business-related issues (economy,
    finance, environment, social).
    · Write and issue press releases.
    · Develop media plans and advise senior management on communication issues.
    · Select suitable spokespeople and provide them with media training
    · Accompany senior management, including the Comex members and the CEO, in the
    countries where the Group operates. Organise and oversee their press interviews.
    · Organise press conference and press trips.
    · Crisis communication, including on-call duty

    · French: fluent
    · English: fluent
    · Spanish: intermediate (currently following an e-learning training)
    · German: basic
  • Eurotunnel - Chargé de communication

    PARIS 2006 - 2009 Communications officer, Operational communications
    · Manage relations with the local French media. Arrange press and promotional trips.
    Supervise film crews. Liaise with the Marketing team to organise promotional
    activities and ensure press coverage of events. Reactively and proactively protect the corporate image of the company. Production of the Annual Report.

    Crisis management
    · React to internal and external events affecting the company’s operations and
    reputation. Obtain and diffuse up-to-date information in the event of an incident.
    Respond to enquiries and issue statements. Perform on-call duty. Deal with intense media interest in France following the Channel Tunnel fire in 2008.

    Internal communications
    · Identify and write entertaining and informative articles for the company’s online publication for employees. Provide managers with essential information. Coordinate company events. Develop new Intranet sites for every department.

    Extra roles: Directed the film Back on Track that documented the reconstruction work in the Channel Tunnel, following the 2008 fire. The DVD was widely distributed and nominated for the European Excellence Awards 2009 in the Crisis Communication category.
  • Science&Vie - Journaliste pigiste

    2005 - 2007 Freelance journalist.
    Science&Vie is a monthly magazine that promotes and explains science every month to more than 3.6 million readers.
    · Write papers in French involving in-depth research and analysis on topics such as fuel made by metal nanoparticles, avian flu, electric bicycles, fuel cells for mobile telephones.
    · Write short news items on science discoveries around the world.



Annuaire des membres :