
Frederic VIOT


En résumé

Compétences sectorielles : Télécommunications, Internet, Médias, Services Financiers

Compétences fonctionnelles : Finance (business planning et valorisation), Stratégie, Marketing et Innovation, Business Development, RH (organisation, recrutement), Gestion de Projet

Principales qualités : Structuré, esprit synthétique et business, leadership, travail d’équipe

Mes compétences :
B2C Marketing
Business development
Business Development International
Business planning
Gestion de projet
International business
International business development
Internet Services
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management
Services financiers


  • Google - Head of Sales Strategy & Operations (Sales Operations) - France / Italy / Spain / Portugal

    Paris 2015 - maintenant
  • Google - Head of Sales Strategy & Operations - Google France

    Paris 2012 - 2014 - Shape strategic direction for France in partnership with sales leaders
    - Provide consistent metrics to understand and improve business performance, both revenue and productivity
    - Identify & prioritize revenue opportunities and develop programs to capture
    - Ensure appropriate resource allocation to achieve revenue and productivity goals
    - Incubate new businesses/initiatives, on as needed basis
    - Manage ongoing planning processes
    - Share best practices within and across the region
    - Provide seamless linkages across cross-functional partners
  • Google - Head of Sales Strategy for SEEMEA

    Paris 2012 - 2012 Support Regional Sales VP and business organization across a number of areas including:
    - strategic planning process (annual planning, quarterly updates)
    - strategic projects
    - process improvement
  • Google - Project Leader

    Paris 2011 - 2012 SEEMEA (Southern and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa) Sales Operations and Strategy
    Sales Operations is the global team that makes sure Google's complex business runs smoothly. Experts in driving process improvements and consistency, team members are analytical and strategic with a pragmatic sense of getting things done. We develop revenue programs, launch initiatives and set high-level goals that accelerate growth and improve productivity
  • Anatole - Service Delivery Manager

    Courbevoie 2010 - 2011
  • Round the world - 10-month trip

    2008 - 2009 Backpacking in South and Central America, Oceania and Asia.
  • Roland Berger Strategy Consultants - Senior Consultant

    Paris 2006 - 2008 Project examples:
    * Set-up of the alternative fixed-mobile-Internet operator Wana (3rd operator in Morocco): PMO and wireless access technology deployment strategy
    * Set-up of Business Synchro (1st fixed-mobile convergent offer in the B2B market) for Bouygues Telecom (3rd mobile operator in France)
    * Mobile TV strategy for a large French media company
    * Benchmarking and optimization of the return on marketing investments (X M€ / year) for Cetelem (consumer credit European leader)
    * Re-organisation and Make or Buy strategy of the IT Division of a French mobile operator (330 employees)
    * Optimization of the marketing and commercial division organization for a leading food and beverage company

    Main tasks:
    * Research: Conducted interviews with Management and industry experts
    * Analysis: Market modelling, Business Planning, valuation, benchmarking
    * Communication: Client presentation and animation of workshops
    * Management: Consultants and Junior Consultants
    * Recruitment: Conducted about 40 interviews
  • France Telecom / Division International / Direction des Operations - Innovation Manager

    2004 - 2006 * Supervision and support to France Télécom international subsidiaries to identify, choose and valuate innovative projects
    - Presentations and recommendations to the France Télécom Group Investment Committee and to the local Boards
    - Support during the deployment phase of single-play, double-play et triple-play project in Africa and Middle-East : VoIP, ADSL and TV over ADSL

    * Took part to several due diligences concerning mobile operator or ISP acquisitions and took responsibility of Business Planning

    * Participant in the Wish Program developed for France Télécom Group talent pool
  • France Telecom / Division International / Direction des Operations and parla.it - Business Plan / Development Manager

    2001 - 2004 * Opportunity analysis, feasibility and basic valuation of deployment projects (unbundling, broadband access and VoIP) for the France Telecom Group product and lines and its competitors (P&L, DCF, VAN, TRI, payback…)

    * Launch of a ‘low-cost’ telephony over IP offer on the European residential market
    - Opportunity analysis
    . Conception, follow-up and exploitation of market research studies prior to Business Plans
    . Feasibility study and basic valuation of the project in Italy and Germany
    - Set-up of the FT subsidiary and launch of the offer in the italian market
    . Marketing MOA in close collaboration with the France Telecom divisions and external providers
    . Recruitment and management of the marketing team

    * France Télécom Business Planning France Télécom to support subsidiaries
    - Analysis of Business Plans proposed and training missions
    - Valuation of synergies between subsidiaries
  • France Telecom UK Ltd - Business Analyst

    2000 - 2001 * Analysis of offers and strategies of cable operators, digital TV and Internet players in the UK with a particular focus on unmetered Internet access offers
    - Involvement in the £1.6 bil. Freeserve (#1 ISP in the UK) take-over by Wanadoo
    - Thesis about « Internet access market in the UK : The “free free” or unmetered revolution »

    * Analysis of strategy of the main European players

    * Quarterly benchmarks about broadband Internet and unbundling in Europe

    * Recruitment and Management of 2 Business Analysts



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