
Gaspard LEBEL

Rueil Malmaison

En résumé

Open innovator in power system stability & Distributed Energy Resources (DER) integration.

Profile detailed on LinkedIn account: https://fr.linkedin.com/in/gaspardlebel

Contact: gaspard.lebel@grenoble-inp.org

Mes compétences :
Smart Grid
Distributed Energy Resources
Project Management
Electrical Engineering
Power System
Energy Management
Renewable Energy
Team Leadership


  • Schneider Electric - Virtual Power Plant Engineer / PhD Student

    Rueil Malmaison 2013 - 2016 In association with Grenoble Electrical Engineering laboratory (G2Elab), analysis of the chain of Value of Smart Grids solutions and development of distributed Ancillary Services for the distribution grids based on a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) structure.
  • G2Elab - Research Engineer European project InnoEnergy

    2012 - 2013 Building of a multi-agent demonstrator for cost-benefit assessment of loads aggregation strategies at the distribution grid level around Virtual Power Plant structure (Distributed Energy Pooling & system services supplying).
  • Vattenfall - Master Thesis - Optimization of Households Demand Response Aggregators' business models

    Paris 2012 - 2012 Analysis of Demand Response’s potential in households in France, Germany and Sweden: technical benefits for transmission grids operations, financial prospect & competition on electricity markets.

    -"Trophée Performance 2012" : Veolia Energy Master Thesis Price
    -Publication accepted for CIRED 2013 conference
  • Schneider Electric Industries - Engineer Assistant Power Innovation

    Rueil Malmaison 2011 - 2011 Design of a Supervisory Control for rooftop photovoltaic installations (hardware & software). 3 months.
  • Region Rhône-alpes - AGEDEN - Technical Assistant

    2010 - 2010 Technical Assistance for helping reducing energy consumption at a number of selected homes. Voluntary part time during 7 months.
  • Lans en Vercors City Council - Study Assistant photovoltaic power plant building

    2009 - 2009 Preliminary study about the building of a 10MW photovoltaic power station. Inventory of high efficiency building standards and other sustainable actions applicable in the council.


  • Université Grenoble Alpes

    Grenoble 2013 - 2016 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Power System & Energy Markets
  • Royal Institute Of Technology (KTH) (Stockholm)

    Stockholm 2011 - 2012 Master of Science in Energy systems and associated markets, Master Thesis in Smart-grids, Green Building and Climate Change Mitigation Tools
  • Institut National Polytechnique

    St Martin D'Heres 2009 - 2012 Master of Science in Energy systems and associated markets

    Decentralized energy production systems, High efficiency building process, Carbon & Energy markets
  • Institut National Polytechnique

    Grenoble 2007 - 2009 UK: 1st & 2nd years Bachelor Degree in general skills in Energy, Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering


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