International Sos
2017 - 2017
Remote site for a mining project by FreePort McMoran in DRC. Isolated site in forest and in charge of emergency response and occupational health with HSE advisor.
The development initiative
- Medic Co-ordinator for EOD / C-IED teams
2015 - 2017
Emergency nurse and medical support during the operations of EOD or C-IED team in hostile area for the UN project and UNMAS dept.
HSE support in Africa durent an Cholera epidemic episode in CAR.
Armée de terre
- Infirmier hygiéniste
2015 - 2015
Centre de Traitements de Soignants / Base de Gbessia à Conakry - EBOLA Diseases,
Prise en charge des soignants des CTE ou des personnels des ONG exposés au virus EBOLA. Participation active aux protocoles de soins et de recherches sur la maladie.
Témoignages de Satisfactions et Médaillé militaire
International SOS
- Offshore medical officer
2014 - 2015
offshore Medic in charge of 200 PAX on FPSO CLOV to TOTAL E & P Angola.
Acting as Anesthetist nurse.
ATCN registered
Europ Assistance - Global Corporate Solutions
- Field Medical Advisor
2013 - 2014
United Hydrocarbon International Ltd project in Chad like Medical support,
Create and organise all supports for Emergency responses, health occupational
and MEDEVAC Coordinator, MERP, associated and in linked with the UHCL's
HSE on site and HSE country Manager, manual handling training, create and
manage a first aid team training.
Field Medic's Manager in a bush Clinic for Medical Administration and support from a drilling project onshore in south of Chad.
- Offshore Medic - Apprentice HSE
2012 - 2013
Offshore Medic to "Stena IceMax" the drill ship in deep water for oil exploration to Shell.
- ACLS - PHTLS - First Aid Instructor certified
- Occupational Health advisor - COSHH Assessor
- BOSIET & HUET certified
Europ Assistance - Global Corporate Solutions
- Medic & Security Supervisor for dynamiq (Australian company)
2012 - 2012
Onshore remote medical officer on different sites or situation for :
- Pipeline project in south of Chad
- PSD Medic for a VIP visiting on mining project in jungle of border between Cameroon and Congo.
- Medical & Security Supervisor on mining project of iron
Intensive Care Unit
- Senior Nurse Practitioner
2008 - 2012
Senior Nurse Practitioner in Intensive Care Unit to Pau's Hospital (France),
monitoring and cares, participation in working group (protocols care, pain killer treatment, Anaesthesias,
*Titular of entrance exam into Anaesthetist's School
Centre hospitalier de Pau - F.Mitterand
- ICU Adults nurse
2008 - 2012
ICU nurse, provide care and comfort of patients. Treatment of pain, infectious diseases, oxygen support and drugs administration, postoperative monitoring, hemorrhage control, all medical and surgical care, dialysis, accompagnement in the end of life....
International SOS
- Remote Medical officer
2007 - 2008
Remote Site's Medic to International SOS,
Mission 1 : in Mauritania desert, ``3 borders zone'', acting as Medical Officer and safety advisor cooperating with Mauritanian Army for a Geologic exploration operation.
Mission 2 : Nurse supervisor and First Aid School's Manager to TFM - Tenke Fungurume Mining / Congo (DRC), in charge of establishment of a Training Center: BLS (Basic Life Support) & for emergency nurses care.
Medical advisor and emergency response Advisor for train crashes, trucks or mines with multi casualties. MEDEVAC/EVASAN Coordinator.
Armée de terre
- Military Nurse Reservist
2007 - maintenant
Military nurse in French Paratroopers School (ETAP - PAU)
Acting as health officer in different actions from soldiers support for different units as 35ème RAP, 1er RHP...
SC1 registered ongoing validity with ISTC FAMAS, PA
TCCC certification on going also SC3
SAMU 32 / SAMU 33
- Infirmier SMUR - SAU - UHCD
2001 - 2007
Emergency nurse's practitioner with prehospital ambulance until emergency care unit in Trauma Center / level 2
- participation of many works of groups
- Audits and ISO Assessments in public hospital.
Service Départemental d'Incendie et de Secours 77 & 32
- Fire fighter nurse
2000 - 2009
Fireman's Nurse, SDIS 77 & 32
- First aid instructor, Medicale emergency team leader
- Health occupational's supervision
- Medical support in action during emergency situation
- emergency nurse's protocols registered
Assistance publique - Hôpitaux de Paris
- ICU Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
1998 - 2001
Start up of careers in Anesthesia department of R. DEBRE Hospital & Necker Enfants Malades - (Pediatric & Adult Trauma Center level 3)
- Intensive cares and monitoring, control of pain in post operative surgery unit
- Pregnancy and pregnant emergency care unit
- ICU nurse practitioner in charge of large premature children to the teenager.
- post operative reanimation monitoring after organ transplantation, workgroup on pain & comfort to the child's good being.
1996 until 1997 : Voluntary nurse in Anesthesia department of Necker Enfants Malades - (Pediatric & Adult Trauma Center level 3) - SAMU DE PARIS & SAMU 93 St Denis
- Intensive cares and monitoring, control of pain in emergency ambulance for different situations, cardiac alert, pregnancy emergency, trauma for infants or adults.
- Intensive cares of large premature children to the teenager.
- transfer postoperative reanimation with monitoring or of units
- Formateur pour les Modules : Urgences et Réanimation, Transfusions sanguines en IFSI
Centre Régional de Formation Professionnelle et Continue de la Croix-Rouge française en Ile-de-Franc
- Moniteur de Secourisme - AFPS/SST
1990 - 2001
Impliqué dans les arrondissement du 1er puis du 20ème.
Directeur intérimaire pendant quelques mois.
Responsable du département Formation.
First aid team leader of prehospital ambulance
- Formateur intérimaire pour la CRF du 10 ième ARRDT
- Formateur à l'Ecole d'Ambulancier de la CRF des Peupliers
- Formateur pour les Modules : Urgences et Réanimation, Transfusions sanguines en IFSI
Paris Music
- Conseiller en clientèle et gestionnaire de Stocks
1990 - 1992
Le Rostand - Quartier Latin
- Barman - Serveur
1982 - 1989
I was Barman in "Quartier Latin" during many years in a very nice area in Paris. Around "Pathéon", Luxembourd Park and "Senat", quartier St Michel, Notre Dame...