


En résumé

Technology enthusiast, I attach a particular attention to do my stuff simply and effectively in order to deliver regularly.
Even if I'm a tech guy, I'm really interested and involved in the product side. What I like is to measure and analyse in order to improve or adapt the product for the final users. Languages and frameworks are basically only tools for me, I don't want to become a guru in some tech stuff, I just want to use what I have at my disposal to build something great.
I am currently working at Viadeo, a french company which edits a professional social network, where I'm part of a team responsible of the core features of the network (Messaging, Dashboard, Profile, Notifications...)

Mes compétences :
Zombie Hunting
Agile Development
Software Archaeology
Code Refactoring
Software Architecture
Java EE
Mario Kart Wii U


  • FeetMe - Software Engineer

    2016 - maintenant
  • Viadeo - Software Engineer

    Paris 2013 - 2016 My main topics:
    - The design & development of a new News Feed.
    - The design & development of a new messaging system currently used by the Let's Meet mobile app.
    - The design & development of a new notification centre.

    I am strongly involved in several architecture topics (backend / middle-end).

    I'm in touch with a lot of technologies here, from Java to Javascript (NodeJS, Backbone), some backend stuff like ElasticSearch, DynamoDB and many other things.

    We have equipped our teams with all the necessary tools to allow every developer to be able to be a DevOps (most of them can push things in production when they want or just manage something live) or a Fullstack dev (everyone can work on any part of our stack, front (js) / middle (nodejs) / backend (java / scala / elasticsearch / aws...).

    I also participate in the promotion of the engineering culture at Viadeo by speaking in some meetups and at the Devoxx France 2015.
  • Airbus Defence And Space - Software Engineer

    2011 - 2013 - AITS (Advanced Integration and Test Services): Development of several modules which are part of a framework used to ease and make reliable the test and integration phases of space vehicles (launchers, satellites…). Cooperation with the German team (several travels to Bremen, Germany). 100% English Work environment.
    - Full development of a frontend for a control-command software of a telescope dedicated to the satellite surveillance. Design and development of a RESTful API.
    - Full development of a control-command software for a remotely controlled robot.
    - Several developments and interventions on projects for a space launcher.
  • Thales - Software Engineer

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2011 - In mission for SagemCom from September 2008 to September 2010. I was involved in Scape Project which is a generic services platform for customers’ premises equipments.
    - Large part of the design and development of a homemade framework which exposes services and webservices to populate the database and manage the gateways.
    - Full design and development of an auto configuration server (ACS). The server was an implementation of the TR-069 protocol.
    - Large part of the design and development of a secure teledistribution module.
    - Profiling of many modules to improve global performances of the project.
    - Many interventions on other application modules for improvements and bug fixing.



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