From Insight Training:
Guillaume is an ingenious and original problem solver. He is mainly interested in seeing the possibilities beyond the present. He is an imaginative and creative visionary who is a source of inspiration to
most. Fatigue and pressure from over-commitment may trigger stressful reactions in him. Often his enthusiasm and drive makes him overwork.
He is inventive, independent and can be extremely perceptive of the
potential contained within the views of others.
Guillaume enjoys work that involves moving projects forward. Guillaume strives to make things better rather than simply accepting them as they are. He is used to doing several things at once. A robust, direct
and keen strategist, Guillaume sees possibilities in every situation and can act quickly on those possibilities. Guillaume's skill at taking a very broad, long-range view of things contributes to
his reputation as something of a visionary.
Guillaume is an innovator, always aware of new possibilities and different ways of doing things. He values his inspiration above all else and constantly strives to
turn his original ideas into his reality - a reality which may not seem as real for others. He is motivated more by the big picture and goals than by regulations and procedures, and is content with established structures only if he can abandon them when they don't serve the intended purpose.
Guillaume is interested in seeing possibilities beyond what is currently known, accepted or obvious. Learning is a life-long process for him and he is in favour of anything which will increase his mental
capability. Guillaume has high energy and is always striking out in a forward direction. He follows his impulses, moving strongly towards his goal. Both alert and outspoken, Guillaume can see the fatal flaw in a proposal or position but will often argue (and often enjoys arguing)
on either side of an issue from a position of ?devils advocate?.
Mes compétences :