


En résumé

Partner at EY
Audit, Transaction & Financial services

Specialized in Long term contracts, industrial client and specially civil engineering activities.
Used to work for Retail and Airlines companies as well.
Strong experience in project management and managing a team.

Expatriated in the US in 2014 and 2015.
International working experiences: USA, Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, France, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, Nigeria, Cameroon.


  • EY (Ernst & Young) - Manager

    Courbevoie 2014 - 2015 EY send me to the US to work on specific clients.
    This opportunity is a chance to discover the business in the US and to bring back to France some specific knowledge.
    In Atlanta I was coordinating the audit of the main French client in the SE and also worked on american publics companies, complying with PCAOB standards.
  • EY (Ernst & Young) - Senior Manager

    Courbevoie 2006 - maintenant Senior Manager in FAAS service line
    Financial Accounting & Advisory Services (FAAS)

    Several experience within financial services: Audit, Advisory, Transactions
    Originally working in Audit, I am now mainly sharing my time between audit and advisory practices.

    I developed several skills since I am with EY as :
    - Project management
    - Team building
    - Recruiting
    - Accounting skills (French, US, IFRS)
    - Transactions skills
    - Long term contracting
    - Working in foreign environments

    EY also offered me the chance to be expatriated in the US over 2014 and 2015 to bring back to France a local knowledge.

    Compentencies developped:
    - Experience managing teams (up to 20 people).
    - High level of experience in team recruiting.
    - Rethinking practices in accounting and reporting
    - Direct communication with senior management, CEOs and CFOs.
    - Management of sell-side and buy-side due diligence.
    - Have demonstrated ability to source opportunities.

    - Have developed technical expertise in French GAAP and IFRS accounting principles.
    - Have been involved in a variety of audit engagements across industries. My portfolio mainly featured industrial companies working in contracting and defense activities.
    - Have participated in or led a number of "special engagements" (completion accounts, buy-side due diligence, pro-forma accounts for a large IPO and group restructuration).

    - Accounting research and elaboration of optimum group accounting policies.
    - Analysis of historical performance including review of profitability and growth key indicators and determination of recurring profitability (Adjusted EBITDA).
    - Analysis of capital employed and financial structure including review of balance sheet and cash flow statements (working capital, capital expenditures, etc.) and determination of debt-like adjustments (Adjusted Net Debt).
    - Business plan review: analysis of modeling hypotheses in relation to historical performance and sensitivity-analysis.
  • EY (Ernst & Young) - Senior Manager

    Courbevoie 2006 - maintenant Collaborateur FAAS - Audit et Conseil fianncier

    Commissariat aux Comptes : clients variés publiant en French GAAP, US GAAP ou en IFRS dans les secteurs de la défense, de la sidérurgie, du BTP, de l'aérien et de l’énergie avec une spécialisation dans les contrats de construction ;

    Missions spécifiques : due diligences en vue d’acquisitions, principalement dans le contracting (BTP, Défense, Ingénierie), mission de détection de fraude (Mexique, Nigeria, Cameroun), introduction en bourse (France), réorganisation patrimoniale (France) ou de transformation de la direction financière ;

    Optimisation financière : accélération des délais de clôture, fiabilisation de l’information financière (structuration de comptabilité analytique) ;

    Revue de procédures : mise en place et revue du contrôle interne ;

    Gestion des ressources : management de une à plusieurs équipes jusqu'à 20 personnes en simultané sur différents types de missions, formation de collaborateurs (nouveaux arrivants et jusqu’à sept années d’expérience) et actions dans le recrutement : présentations et cours dans les grandes écoles d’ingénieur, déclinaison de la politique de recrutement par école.

    Expériences internationales : USA, Canada, Mexique, Venezuela, Espagne, Italie, Suisse, Belgique, Nigeria, Cameroun ;
  • Association Ski Club ETP - Trésorier

    2004 - 2005 Organisation de plusieurs voyages aux sports d'hiver (365 personnes) sur 3 à 7 jours.
    Public de 20 à 23 ans, encadré par des étudiants de 21 ans.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :