


En résumé

Vivant actuellement en Asie Pacifique, Ouvert a de nouveaux challenges sur Taiwan et la Chine.

Titulaire d'un Master en Finance et d'un Master en Gestion des Entreprises
Plus de 8 ans d'experiences internationales en Finance et Business development

Competences techniques:
- Comptabilite (Comptabilite fournisseurs, cloture mensuelle),
- Tresorerie (cash‐pooling, cash position et previsions de cash, implementation d'outils de cash-management, netting),
- Controle Financier / Controle de Gestion (Plan strategique, Budget, Reporting, Pilotage/Analyse P&L, Communication Financiere),
- Analyse Financiere (Business plan, Analyse de la Performance, Optimisation des couts et revenues),
- Controle Interne (Revue des process, et proposition de plans d'action)
- Management (Gestion d'un equipe de 3 personnes, Coordination de 4 pays)

Competences Linguistiques: Francais, Anglais, Espagnol et Chinois Mandarin
Competences informatiques: Excel, Word, Powerpoint, logiciels Tresorerie, Hyperion, Essbase et SAP

Mes compétences :
Cash Management
Financial services
Services financiers
Contrôle de gestion


  • CARREFOUR - Financial services & Insurance Manager

    Massy maintenant
  • LanLei Consultants Ltd. - Manager Consultant

    2014 - maintenant Consultant en Finance, Strategie et Business Development
    Missions de Consulting en-cours:
    • Developpement de partenariats et strategie de croissance
    • Etude et selection de Business model
    • Construction de Business plans et optimisation des couts et revenues
  • Philip Morris International - Senior Financial Analyst

    Lausanne 2013 - 2014
  • Carrefour Group - Financial services & Insurance - Financial Controller

    2011 - 2013
  • Carrefour Taiwan - Financial Services and Insurance Manager / Financial Controller

    Massy 2008 - 2010 Financial Services and Insurance Manager
    - In charge of Budget and Strategy
    - Insurance business development
    - New products development
    - Improvement and following of the current business: credit card, telemarketing
    - Ensure the management and production of tools to partners, top management and group to follow the performance
    - Identify and improve the team members jobs and process

    Financial Controller
    - Follow the Financial result and cash flow
    - Improvement and following of the merchandise treasury
    - Analysis of P&L services
  • Converteam - Treasurer

    Massy 2006 - 2007 - Daily Treasury in euros and currencies (banks movements / flows reconciliation, cash positions analysis, investments and group cash reporting including keys indicators to the CFO)

    - Parameters and developpement of Kyriba with Atos Origin solution (Internet-based cash management) and Coprocess Netting applications (Main user and Administrator)
    - Consolidation of the Business Units Forecasts
    - Control and analysis of the Intercompanies Holding / group entities for the monthly and quarterly closings
    - Netting of the Business Units Receivables and Payables
    - Banks relationship
    - Budget of the holdings companies
    - Back office FX deals (swaps, buy and sell forwards)
  • Generali - Cash manager / Accountant

    Saint-Denis 2005 - 2006 - Participation to the group cash-pooling implementation
    - Cash management on XRT Universe
    - Receipts and payments centralization
    - Control of the Banks tariffs and current accounts
    - Cash-pooling accounting movements
    - Audit of the accounting department
  • Generali France Holding - Treasury Assistant

    2005 - maintenant - Daily Treasury on XRT Universe
    - Units cash centralization
    - Cash pooling parameters
    - Work on the Insurance premiums Securitization operation (monthly and quaterly reporting)


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