


En résumé

Ingénieur produits/procédés innovants; montage/management projets Technologie et Innovation


  • GazTransport et Technigaz - Manager R&D matériaux

    Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse 2015 - maintenant Manager équipe R.I.D matériaux pour les technologies de stockage et transport de liquides cryogéniques : matériaux structuraux et isolants.
  • Areva - Chargé d'affaire R&D

    Paris La Defense 2014 - 2015 Chargé d'affaires R&D - Chef de projet déchets nucléaires : caractérisations; procédés et conditionnements.

    DémentIL-LL wastes from HAO silo decommisioning (La Hague UP2-400 facility)
    Manage R&D workpackages to prepare industrial recovery (TRL/MRL 3-8):
    - characterisation of materials, qualification of long term behaviour for deep geological storage
    - development & qualification of recovery processes (sorting, compacting, cementing)
    - set up new product & manufacturing specifications
    - meet authorities & public bodies to report progress

    Define & execute R&D projects answering industrial & strategic products roadmaps
    - participate in product roadmap reviews
    - perform collaborative R&D (CEA, academic labs, partners): instrumentation, material science, chemistry
    - upgrade existing product & manufacturing specifications for metallic IL-LLW
  • Areva - Ingénieur I+R&D

    Paris La Defense 2010 - 2014 Chef de projet R&D & expert technique - Département Technologies & Innovation
    Science des matériaux & chimie (revêtements, optique, corrosion, électrochimie, méthodes de tests et vieillissement accéléré)

    Développement de produits/fonctionnalités innovantes pour les besoins des Business Units du Business Group Renouvelables
    - 2010-2012: superhydrophobic & anti icing paint for offshore wind turbines (Areva Wind)
    - 2010-2014: optical thin films, electrochemical instrumentation for thermal storage (Areva Solar)

    Define & execute R&D projects (TRLs 1-6) answering industrial & strategic products roadmaps
    - participate in product roadmap reviews
    - develop IP (3 patents), perform competitor & technological watch
    - develop industry & academic partnerships; get external funding (>2 M€)
    - qualify product/process at pilot/industrial scales

    International work with US-Fr-Ger-Es project teams

  • Carbone Lorraine - Head of R&D laboratory

    2008 - 2010 R&D engineer posted in Carbone Lorraine Composants, subsidiary of 250 associates in Gennevilliers (Fance) of Carbone Lorraine, a world leading graphite manufacturer.
    Two main responsibilities :
    Head of the laboratory dedicated to perform characterisations on graphite materials and finished parts:
    - monitor the quality of products
    - responsible for the good level of services for the production units
    - expertise in materials knowledge
    R&D engineer in charge of the development of new products to meet the customers processes demands and evolutions
  • CNRS - R&D engineer

    Paris 2007 - 2008 Position at LRCS, Amiens.
    Material chemistry and electrochemistry laboratory working mainly on Li-ion type battery cells, materials for hydrogen storage, photovoltaics and electrochromic materials.
    Involvement in the Li-ion cell R&D team, personal work on :
    - Hybrid organic-inorganic microporous solids (MOF) for potential positive electrode. Solid state electrochemistry to understand insertion mechanisms and electrolyte-structure interactions.
    - Synthesis, characterisations and testing of encapsulated metallic nanoparticules of tin and silicon for negative electrode.
  • CEA Valrhô - PhD thesis

    2004 - 2007 Part of the wide research dedicated to nuclear energy and sustainability, my job dealed with the management of nuclear wastes produced by the French nuclear powerplant spent fuel recycling. This applied research carried out during my three years PhD aimed to bring a comprehensive knowledge on long term behavior of vitrified wastes in a deep geological disposal environment.
    Day-to-day work:
    - Material chemistry through experiments on borosilicate glass and rocks leaching and microstructural and crystal chemistry analyses : SEM, TEM, XRD, BET, FTIR, Raman, ICP.
    - Thermodynamics and kinetics on solid-solution interface behavior upon leaching to develop new glass leaching model.
    - Computer modeling with reactive transport code HYTEC to handle/understand the observed phenomena in experiments.



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