After graduated from “Polytech' Orléans” in optics, laser and plasma fields, I focus my work towards the micro and nanotechnologies. I started a PhD in semiconductor with the purpose of using micro and nano patterned silicon substrates for the growth of state of the art GaN epitaxial layers. The first part of this work was to focus on the process fabrication of porous silicon and patterned/masked silicon substrate in clean room. Then, using a combine growth process with the use of both NH3-MBE and MOVPE, I was able to grow state of the art uncracked GaN epilayers. Finally, I was able to fabricate LEDs structures on GaN grown on masked substrates.
This experience completed my knowledge on clean room processing as well as on the growth of III-V materials. This PhD allowed me to obtain a postdoc in the laboratory of GREMAN where I focused my work on the processing of GaN and SiC for electronic applications.
Today, I am looking for an opportunity in academic research or in industry where my interest in growth, clean room processing and III-N field.
Mes compétences :
salle blanche
Physique des plasmas
Caractérisation des matériaux
Croissance de III-V par MBE & MOCVD, caractérisati