
Guillaume LE MASSON


En résumé

First rank engineering diploma
Strong knowledge of deepzater subsea projects
Broad international experience

Mes compétences :
Architecture navale
Naval Architecture
Oil and gas


  • Technip - Technip Brazil - Project manager

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Project manager for large flexible supply projects for Brazilian presalt fields. Main client: Petrobras
  • Technip - Technip Angola - Engineering Manager

    Paris 2011 - 2014 2013-2014: Engineering manager
    Management of the engineering team of Technip Angola (~80 p), for offshore and subsea projects. Main clients: Total, ENI, BP, Chevron

    2011-2013: Subsea engineering manager
    Development, organisation and management of the subsea engineering department at Technip Angola. Growing the team from 8 to ~30 people at the end of 2013, 33% expatriates.
  • Technip - Lead installation engineer

    Paris 2009 - 2011 2009-2011: Lead installation
    Projet Montanazo & Lubina (Repsol - Espagne)

    2009: Ingénieur méthodes d'installation offshore
    Project Azurite (Murphy - France/Congo)
    - Hook-up of flexible risers and umbilicals
    - Pre-commissioning of umbilicals (electrical and pressure testing) and flexible risers (pressure testing and pigging)
    Project Oyo (ENI - France/Nigeria)
    - Wet storage of flexible risers and umbilicals
    - Temporary recovery of flexible risers for testing
    - Recovery and transfer to the FPSO for hook-up
    Participation à la réponse aux appels d'offre des projets West Delta (Burullus - Egypt), Benita/Aseng (Noble Energy - Equatorial Guinea), CLOV (Total - Angola).
  • Saipem - Naval engineer

    Montigny-le-Bretonneux 2005 - 2009 Method engineer
    Akpo project - Total
    - installation engineering: installation procedure of suction piles and manifolds
    - follow-up of construction and testing campaign
    - offshore installation of manifolds and suction piles

    Design engineer
    Akpo project - Total:
    - mooring design: analysis of model test of the mooring system
    - installation analyses: analyses for the offshore installation of manifolds, suction piles, tensionned chains and umbilicals
    Sequoia project - Burullus:
    - intiation and abandonment analyses for the J-lay of 10" flowlines between 100m and 400m water depth
  • La DCC - Délégation Catholique pour la Coopération - Volunteer for a French NGO

    Paris 2003 - 2005 Volunteer for DCC (French NGO) at CCU (Centre Culturel d'Alger)
    - organisation of student tutorial program
    - assistant for the management of the largest student library in Algiers (10000 subscribers)
    - working with local partners
    Algiers, Algeria


  • Ecole Nationale Supérieure Des Techniques Avancées (Paris)

    Paris 2001 - 2003 Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering - Internships:
    Air Liquide España, Madrid - Spain - Training engineer (4 months - 2001)/
    IRPHE, Marseille - France - Research on fluid mecanics (3 months - 2002)/
    Saipem SA, Saint Quentin en Yvelines - France - Naval engineer (4 months - 2003)
  • Ecole Polytechnique

    Palaiseau 1998 - 2001 Diplome d'ingénieur de l'Ecole Polytechnique

    Mathematics, physics, fluid mechanics - Internship: DAMTP, Cambridge - UK - Mathematical analysis of a granular flow (3 months - 2001)


Annuaire des membres :