ASRC Federal - NRESS
- Support Scientist
2016 - maintenant
Administrateur du processus de revue des programmes Sciences du vivant de la NASA (en particulier le programme de Recherche Humaine)
Vanderbilt University - Center for Bone Biology (Nashville, TN, USA)
- Post-Doc
2011 - 2015
Contribution of the vestibular and sympathetic nervous systems to space-induced bone loss.
(NSBRI First Award Program [National Space Biomedical Research Institute]
+ NASA Grant [National Aeronautics and Space Administration])
- Modèles génétiques de souris
- Lésion vestibulaire
- Suspension par la queue (rats et souris)
- Micro-CT
- Histomorphométrie
- Culture cellulaire
Vignaux G, Besnard S, Denise P, Elefteriou F (2015) The vestibular system: a newly identified
regulator of bone homeostasis acting through the sympathetic nervous system. Curr Osteoporos Rep. Review. (invite).
Vignaux G, Ndong JDLC, Perrien DS, Elefteriou F (2014) Inner ear vestibular signals regulate bone remodeling via the sympathetic nervous system. J Bone Miner Res. Pubmed PMID: 25491117.
Ndong JDLC, Stevens D, Vignaux G, Uppuganti S, Perrien D, Yang X, Nyman J, Harth E, Elefteriou F (2014) Combined MEK inhibition and BMP2 treatment promotes osteoblast differentiation and bone healing in Nf1Osx-/- mice. J Bone Miner Res. Pubmed PMID: 25043591.
Ndong JDLC, Makowski AJ, Uppuganti S, Vignaux G, Ono K, Perrien DS, Joubert S, Nyman JS, Elefteriou F (2014) Asfotase-a improves bone growth, mineralization and strength in mouse models of neurofibromatosis type-1. Nature Medicine. Pubmed PMID: 24997609.
Vignaux G, Besnard S, Ndong J, Philoxène B, Denise P, Elefteriou F (2013) Bone remodeling is regulated by inner ear vestibular signals. J Bone Miner Res. Pubmed PMID: 23553797.
Vignaux G, Chabbert C, Gaboyard-Niay S, Travo C, Machado ML, Denise P, Comoz F, Hitier M,
Landemore G, Philoxène B, Besnard S (2012) Evaluation of the chemical model of vestibular lesions induced by arsanilate in rats. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. Pubmed PMID: 22023963.
Inserm ERI27 (Caen, France)
- Ph.D.
2007 - 2011
Implication of the vestibular system in bone loss during spacefligths. Study at 1g in bilabyrinthectomized rat.
(Finanement : Conseil régional + Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales[CNES])
- Rats
- Lésion vestibulaire
- Tomodensitometrie
- Histomorphométrie
Publications :
Besnard S, Machado ML, Vignaux G, Boulouard M, Coquerel A, Bouet V, Freret T, Denise P,
Lelong-Boulouard V (2012) Influence of vestibular input on spatial and nonspatial memory and on hippocampal NMDA receptors. Hippocampus. Pubmed PMID: 21538662.
Hitier M, Besnard S, Vignaux G, Denise P, Moreau S (2010) The ventrolateral surgical approach to
labyrinthectomy in rats: anatomical description and clinical consequences. SurgRadiol Anat. Pubmed PMID: 20607261.
Denise P, Besnard S, Vignaux G, Sabatier JP, Edy E, Hitier M, Levasseur R (2009) Sympathetic
B antagonist prevents bone mineral density decrease induced by labyrinthectomy. Aviakosm Ekolog Med. Pubmed PMID: 20169738.
INSERM U644 (Rouen, France)
- Assistant de Recherche
2005 - 2007
Titre :
1 - Effects of a Dipeptidyl Peptidase-IV inhibitor on cardiac and vacular dysfunction linked to metabolic syndrome.
2 - Effects of short or chronic heavy chain omega-3 supplementation in heart failure.
Modèles animaux :
- rats zucker
- rats Wistar avec infarctus
Méthodes :
- pression artérielle à la queue
- pression artérielle (Millar)
- résonance paramagnétique éléctronique (RPE)
- dosages protéiques
INSERM U689 (Paris, France)
- Stagiaire
2005 - 2005
(3 mois)
Titre :
Expression of Beta-1 subunit of the calcium-activated potassium (BKCa) channel in mice aorta - Implication in heart failure
Modèle animal :
- souris avec surexpression d'aldostérone spécifiquement au niveau des cardiomyocytes
Méthodes :
- Western-blot
- culture de cellules primaires de muscle lisse (aorte)
- histologie et immuno-marquage
- dosages protéiques
Departmental Laboratory Analysis (Moulins, France)
- Technicien de laboratoire
2002 - 2002
(2 mois, emploi saisonnier)
Titre :
Detection of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
Méthode :
- Western-blot
Departmental Laboratory Analysis (Moulins, France)
- Stagiaire
2001 - 2001
(3 mois)
Titre :
Detection of bovine diseases (serology department)
Méthode :