
Gwendoline TRIOUX


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Excel avancé
Office 2010
Excel VBA
Analyse financière
SAP Contrôle de Gestion
Microsoft Office
Gestion de projet informatique
Contrôle des coûts
Budget et Controlling


  • Airbus Group - Project Financial Controller

    Blagnac 2014 - 2016 My main responsibility was to provide a financial overview of my contracts to the Program and Finance Management. In this context, I had to:

     Provide monthly detailed reports on sales, margin, cash and costs
     Validate monthly revenue and cash-in payments in compliance with contractual agreements and accounting rules
     Conduct meetings with operational managers in order to establish and present profitability packs to the top management (twice per year)
     Determine with managers contract risks and opportunities, and assess/adjust contingencies accordingly
     Set up and follow budget plans ( current year + 5 years plan)
     Work with Central Finance team to improve processes (budgeting and cash out modules)
     Certify reliability and transparency of information

    I worked in an international environment (Italy and UK) and I was in constant contact with Program team, Treasury, Billing, Tax, PMO, Procurement and Industrial accounting departments.
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers - Consultant

    Neuilly-sur-Seine 2014 - 2014 As a consultant, I worked for the ERDF IT department (French Electricity company). I was part of the PMO unit and I had to support the team:

     Manage external contractors billing (purchase order and billing)
     Participate in monthly closing activities (collect and process all external contractors time sheet, issue invoice)
     Establish committee report to present monthly results and provide accurate budget overview to the Board
     Prepare the 5 years plan with IT managers
  • Computer Sciences Corporation - Business Controller

    2010 - 2014 I was in charge of portfolio of 150 IT projects. Budget could vary from 0.5M€ to > 5M€ depending on the sector involved (banking, retailing, industry, government).
    For each project, I had to:
    Analyze costs (labor, infrastructure, subcontractors and various expenses) to get them under control. Challenge managers on staff plans (costs), sales (amendments) and billing (cash flow).
    Recognize revenue in compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley act and US GAAP rules (ASC 605). With the Technical Accounting Department support, work on checklists and accounting forms especially for software projects type.
    Work with Contract Management and Legal departments to validate financial agreements before contract signature.
    Each month, I had to:
    Calculate journal entries for each projects (revenue - costs adjustments)
    Provide reports for 10 business units with the following KPI : staffing, revenue, margin, top/flop 10 projects
    Analyze future projects’ profitability (forecasted P&L and cash flow)
  • Prisma Presse - Business Controller (work internship)

    Gennevilliers 2009 - 2010 • Production et déclaration des résultats de diffusion (vente au numéro et abonnements) de tous les magazines pour l’audit annuel de l’OJD (Office de la Justification et la Distribution)
    • Analyse des coûts de distribution en prenant en compte les indicateurs clés : taux de prélèvement Presstalis, tirage, poids, taux d’invendus
    • Etude de la rentabilité des magazines à l’export
    • Reporting et analyse des ventes de magazines numériques



    Paris 2007 - 2010 Master II
  • Lycée

    Saint Denis 2005 - 2007 option scientifique

    Classe Préparatoire HEC


Annuaire des membres :