


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Marchés financiers
Mathématiques financières
Gestion de portefeuille


  • BNP Paribas - Securitization - Trading & Portfolio Management

    Paris 2013 - maintenant
  • Amundi ETF - Structurer Assistant (ETFs/Trackers)

    2013 - 2013 Product development (High-Yield, High-Dividend, Long, Short, Leveraged), Index choice, setting-up methodologies and negotiation with counterparties and Index furnishers (Markit, MSCI, EuroMTS...)
    Designing tools to control and compare tracking errors and spreads with Amundi’s and competitors’ ETFs
    Producing Fund studies and selling support documents
    SWAP Pricing
  • BNP Paribas - Securitization Assistant

    Paris 2012 - 2012 - Assistance in setting up new operations or re-securitisation of existing Pan-European transactions
    - Development of automatization tools to integrate client's datas in financial management models
    - Financial management of the securities portfolio : taking responsibility of the monthly buy and re-financing assets cycles, datas validation with business management society, feed back to clients
    - Risk analysis and follow-up linked to securitization programs, credit committee preparation
    - Conduit accounting follow-up
    - Gathering informations relatively to securitization programs (via Reuters, Bloomberg, Agencies' websites...)
  • Crédit Agricole, Corporate & Investment Bank - Analyste Méthode Bâle II et RAROC

    2011 - 2012 Providing support at risk level to world's CACIB entities on market, credit and securitization risk.

    setting up a new modeling tool to calculate Raroc and EVA in Net Present Value : :
    - Drawing up rules in order to determine when NPV calculation is closer from reality than Bullet approximation
    - In charge of optimisation and improvement at methodology and rules level of a software permitting to determin profitability in NPV
  • Jeece - Junior-Entreprise de l'ECE Paris - Vice-Président

    Paris 2010 - 2011 Being a Junior-Entreprise, Jeece is member of CNJE, the french Junior-Entreprise network of 150 "Juniors".
    In average, 50 ECE's students are involved in Jeece, and it is lead by a Governing Board composed of 11 E.C.E.'s students.



Annuaire des membres :