


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Responsible for supervision of the plant and opera
good computer skills
Problem Solving
MicroStar International
Circuit Breakers


  • Sonelgaz - TPCC Technicien production conduite centrale

    2014 - maintenant -Assurer le fonctionnement de la machine .
    -Démarrage a la fin de séquence .
    -Le couplage vers le réseau .
    -La ronde dans la machine si y a une anomalie soit électrique ou mécanique .
    -Vérification des paramètres de la machine tension,courant,températures,vibration;et surtout les différentes de pression et d'air(aspiration et refoulement) .
    -Le bon fonctionnement d'exploitation de la machine.
    -Technicien en salle de contrôle.
    -Assurer la commande de la machine a distance par l'interface Mark V.
    -Vérification des paramètres de la machine.
    -Les manœuvres en salle de contrôle M C C -B T -M T (Commande des moteurs center-Basse tension-Moyen tension).
    -Relevée de la machine.
    -Rapport journalier.
    -Carnet de massage (Dispatching).
    -Passation de consigne.
  • Sonelgaz - Senior Technician & Production supervisor

    2014 - maintenant Production supervisor/Operator at Sonelgaz production plant (
    Responsible for supervision of the plant and operations: Preparation GT to start and check
    parameters, coupling GT at network as well as the production and Follow up and evaluation of
    load characteristics during continuous operation at production stages. Monitor and ensure the
    safety of people and the environment. Inspection of local mechanical machines in operation to
    ensure the integrity and record observations or troubleshooting questions. Participate in
  • Power project Metka - Superviseur operateur

    2013 - 2013 Mise en place douze groupe TM2500+ sur le site de M'sila
  • METKA - Supervisor Operator

    2013 - 2014 : Supervisor Operator at METKA production plant (
    Project: 12x TM2500 + GE Gas Turbines
    -End-mount transformer 11.5kv/220kv.
    -Prime Transformer and start feeding the GT (MCC).
    -Verification auxiliary METKA (Diesel rescues GT).
    -Check the settings and transformer protection.
    -Verification of pressures skid and fuel gas.
    -Check for proper operating control room operation.
    -The MI-stage
    -The MSI-period
    -RP (Provisional Acceptance
    Implement the necessary actions for TM2500 + processors and ensure the smooth operation of the
    auxiliary (Power MCC and fuel and gas pressure) to ensure passengers, personnel and environmental
    safety. Inspect and repair problems troubleshooting, maintenance electrical circuit breakers held as per
    Duration: 09 months
  • GE Energy - Deputy Site Manager

    BELFORT CEDEX 2012 - maintenant tous les personnes qui sent sur le site agent GE sous ma responsabilité,et le porte parole du constructeur GE sur le Site
  • Sonelgaz - Operator

    2012 - 2013 End-mounting of the turbine.
    -Prime startup TG (Launch-Fire-end sequence).
    -Coupling and scalability.
    -Check the settings on the HMI.
    -Carry-round machine (Oil leak-Vibration-Fault- ).
    -Check for proper operation of the machine control room operation.
    -The MI-stage
    -The MSI-period
    -RP (Provisional Acceptance)
    Duration: 4 months ,
  • GE Aviation - Site Manager

    Evendale 2012 - 2013 Deputy at GE production plant (Beni Abbes-Algeria).
    Project: 6x TM2500 + GE Gas Turbines
    as site manager deputy my job is to oversee operations on a day by day, and ensure that the
    work is done safely, on time and within budget and quality standards right. My position is:
    - Lead and assist the site team;
    - Manage GE / GE client and / BOP (METKA-PP) relations;
    - Ensure the flow of information on the site day and night;
    - Ensure the proper progress of the project (MSSI - MSI - RP);
    - Work on the lifting of reservations;
    - Monitor and analyze;
    - Problem Solving;
    ..., etc.
    Duration: 09 months
  • Sonelgaz - Senior Technician & Production supervisor

    1998 - 2012 Production supervisor/Operator at Sonelgaz production plant (
    Responsible for supervision of the plant and operations: Preparation GT to start and check
    parameters, coupling GT at network as well as the production and Follow up and evaluation of
    load characteristics during continuous operation at production stages. Monitor and ensure the
    safety of people and the environment. Inspection of local mechanical machines in operation to
    ensure the integrity and record observations or troubleshooting questions. Participate in
    Duration: 23 years ,
  • Sonelgaz - Senior Technician

    1990 - 1998
  • Sonelgaz - TPCC

    1990 - 2012 j'assure le bon fonctionnement de la turbine et tous ce qui concerne l'exploitation de la centrale production d'electrecite


  • ETB École Technique De Blida Sonelgaz - Algérie (Blida)

    Blida 1987 - 1989 BAC Math.
  • Technical School (Blida)

    Blida 1987 - 1989


Annuaire des membres :