


En résumé


Mes compétences :


  • Biochemistry and Human Nutrition laboratory, Agrocampus Ouest - PhD candidate

    2008 - 2011 Biosynthesis and bioavailability of n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids: a study on the ?6- and ?5-desaturases and the fads3 gene.
    Supervision: Pr. P. Legrand and Dr. F. Pédrono

    My PhD thesis focused on lipid metabolism, specially on essential fatty acids from the Omega 6 and Omega 3 series, whose precursors must be provided by our diets.

    These fatty acids are then transformed by enzymes in the liver, particularly by the delta5-desaturase and the delta6-desaturase. Is it thus important to study these enzymes and their dietary regulation in order to get a better description of the diet impact on polyunsaturated fatty acids biosynthesis. In addition, we study the Fads3 gene, which is a putative new desaturase.
  • Valorex - PhD candidate

    Combourtillé 2008 - 2011 My PhD thesis results from a collaboration between an academic laboratory (Biochemistry and Nutrition, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes) and an industrial company (Valorex SAS, Combourtillé. Valorex SAS is an innovative company which develops the introduction of extruded linseed in animal and human food
  • Laboratory of Life Sciences, Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen Scotland - Research training

    2005 - maintenant Nutrition and lipid biochemistry: Protective effects of Conjugated Linoleic Acid on atherosclerosis.
    Supervision: Pr. K.W.J. Wahle and Dr. M. Goua



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