J'ai un profil hybride qui carbure à l'UI/UX design et au front-end development.
Des compétences crossover qui m'ont menée sur les voies du web et du software.
Je possède un premier parcours littéraire grâce auquel j'ai pu m'ouvrir aux Sciences Humaines et qui, sans nul doute, me sert chaque jour dans mon métier. Puis, virage à 180°, reprise d'études et en fin de course, un univers passionnant semé de découvertes !
I have a hybrid profile which runs on UI / UX design and on front-end development.
Crossover skills which led me on the ways of web and software.
I possess a first literary route through which I was able to open myself to Humanities and which, undoubtedly, serves me every day in my job. Then, 180° turn, resumption of studies and at the end of race, a fascinating universe sowed with discoveries!
I'm currently a user experience team of one, that's why I do design, research, writing, testing and evangelism.
Here are some of my tenets:
- As an UI designer, I know take technical constraints into account.
- As an UI designer, I take care to dissect UI style guide of all kinds.
- As an UI designer, I take care to shape consistent interfaces, simple , which have their own personality.
- As an UX designer, I know how to use common sense and never rest on my laurels.
- As an UX designer, I can not be sure of anything , I search , I test , because I know what satisfies a user can frustrate another.
- As an UX designer, I empathize with an analytical mind.
And be humble: a non UX designer can bring bright ideas! Just listen and learn from other.
Mes compétences :
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Illustrator
Design thinking
User experience
User interface design