Associate Partner within a french boutique consulting firm named Cepheid Consulting.
I bring 18 years of experience in both consulting and operational roles.
I occupied for 8 years different operational roles including Product Marketing management, Project management and Pre-Sales support on behalf of telecommunication industry leaders.
Since 2007, I am leading several engagements as a management consultant including growth opportunities assessment, marketing and technology strategy, financial analysis and business modeling, project management, business process management and product marketing.
As part of an entrepreneurial project, I am also managing business development, communication and internal projects with the ambition to settle Cepheid Consulting as a unique partner for their customers.
I have proved to be customer oriented and results driven with high adaptability skills.
I hold an engineering degree from Supélec (one of the top french engineering school).
Core competencies :
• Strategic analysis and new opportunities assessment including financial analysis
• Go To Market strategy and operationnal implementation
• B2B and B2C Product marketing management
• Organization and processes management (Innovation, BPM, Lean Six Sigma)
• Project and Program Management
• Bid Management and Business Development
My expertises in the digital area :
• IOT and M2M
• NFC and contactless solutions
• BPM, Workflow, EDM
Sectors I have been engaged with :
• Telecommunications
• Transportation
• Public sector
Mes compétences :
Marketing stratégique
Marketing opérationnel
Product marketing management
Direction de projets
Business process management
Veille technologique
Finance d'entreprise
Gestion d'appels d'offres
Avant vente
Gestion d'équipes
Développement commercial
Veille stratégique, réglementaire, économique