After starting his career in the aeronautics industry, Jean-Christophe Carteron (45) arrived at Euromed Management in 2001 and headed the marketing department before devoting himself fully to sustainable development. Director of CSR, Carteron coordinates the School’s CSR strategy, helps to develop research and pedagogical activities on sustainable development and works on leading by exemple though a more sustainable approach of the campus (10 000 students).
Jean-Christophe has piloted a project that led Euromed Management to be the first higher education institution in France to obtain extra financial rating (Acadix AA) and organized Deloitte’s first “Stakeholder Consultation” with a business school.
With the faculty of the school, 4 Research Chairs were launched with sustainable development themes: Chair on Sustainable Performance in 2007*, Chair in Alternative financing: Investment, Solidarities and Responsibility in 2008 **, the Responsible Purchasing Chair *** and Business Model as un-usual chair **** in 2013.
Alongside these activities, for the last six years Carteron and his team have been co-hosting the Responsible Management Network which holds monthly meetings with a group of 25 companies and NGOs. This year the focus of the meetings for this network has mainly been creating a framework of competences for a Responsible Managers (versus a conventional one).
He is in charge of the international projects of the Sustainable Development Commission for the Conference des Grandes Ecoles (the French Business Schools organization) and a leading actor in working groups mainly focalized on social responsibility for higher education institutions: UN Global Compact Academic Working Group, UN PRME (Principle for responsible Management Education), GRLI (Globally responsible Leadership Initiative) and GUPES (UNEP).
In June 2012, he was the Representative of French Higher Education for the United Nation Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and helps to the “Rio declaration for Higher Education Institution” as Senior advisor of this UN initiative. He is as well the Director for the “The Platform for Sustainability Performance in Education” launched during the UNEP Council in Feb. 2013. In September 2013, he contributes to the French Government Environmental Conference (Roundtable "environmental education and sustainable development"). At the same time he launches the sustainability literacy Test (first international assessment of SD knowledge).
He is also a Board Member of the Comité 21 (the main French civil society organization in Sustainability), Extramuros (Social Enterprise), ONET Foundation (for homeless) and the Circular Economy Institute. He is also advisory committee for PRME International MBA Survey, member of the scientific comity for Wiki2D and reviewer for the Journal of Management development. In 2012, he has been nominated as the winner of the CEEMAN Champions’ Award in the responsible management education category.
In his spare time he likes to go deep sea diving, sea kayaking and hot air ballooning.
Last article / School integrated report
(*)with La Poste (**) with the AG2R/La Mondiale (***)with the WWF, Max Havelaar, Sodexo, L’Occitane, ERDF and SNCF (****) with La Poste, SNCF, Orange, the Elen Mac Arthur Foundation, Green Cross, Inspire Institute, Circular economy institute and Oree