
Jean Claude LAFONT


En résumé

Telecom Sud Paris : Enseignant Chercheur (retraité)
Rotary International : Secrétaire Exécutif du District 1770, Ile de France&Oise


  • Rotary International * District 1770 Ile de France Est & Oise - Secrétaire Exécutif

    2011 - maintenant
  • ARION Entreprise - Administrateur

    2003 - 2011 Administrator (2003-2011). Arion Entreprise is a company specialized in real time and embedded systems. 2012, June 7th HPC Project, expert in simulation and Arion Entreprise, are combining their activities under the name of SILKAN. SILKAN becomes a pioneer in the new territory of embedded simulation. SILKAN addresses industries in defense, aeronautics, automotive and energy. Its offer consists of simulation systems integration, numerical simulation solutions as well as critical real time and embedded systems integration.
  • TELECOM INT et INT MANAGEMENT - Responsable Relations Entreprises et Stages

    1998 - 2007 Dean of the Industrial Relations and Internships Department of the 2 schools of INT (Engineering School, TELECOM INT, and Business School, INT Management) in charge of establishing, optimizing partnerships with companies,
    Achieved these objectives by the implementation of a website giving access to a database and allowing a data processing workflow securing a seamless procedure for students, the faculty members and staffers to fulfill the various requirements to validate an internship application
  • TELECOM SUD PARIS - Enseignant Chercheur

    1978 - 2007 1. Associate professor (Retired) 1978 – 2007
    Associate professor at the INT (Institute National of Telecommunications)
    - Teaching assignments (1978-1998) and since 2007:
    Responsible for the courses contents of:
    • Post graduate programs: “Automation and Industrial Networks” and “Control and Modeling of the Industrial Processes”
    • Graduate programs: “Integration of the Telecom Systems and Multi-media”, “Engineering and Management of Industrial Systems” and “Automation and Robotics systems”.
    • undergraduate program : Digital electronics
    Teaching and production of class materials:
    • undergraduate courses : Digital electronics
    • graduate and post graduate courses: Production Automated System, Automation tools and methods, Industrial Controller, Fuzzy Logic Controller, Distributed Architecture Control Systems , Real Time Networks

    - Research : (1990 - 1998):
    • Responsible for a Research group in Automation, Robotics and Production techniques

    • Member of the Doctoral team ”Control and Modeling of Industrial Processes” then ”Energy Systems and Control Processes” Written Scientifics papers and presented research materials at Scientifics congresses

    • Supervised research students and member of PHD jury board
    • Took part in negotiations of research contracts and their follow-up


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :