
Jean-Claude MONNET

  • Technic Aviation
  • Responsable Commercial et Achats


En résumé

Mes compétences :
New business development
Management commercial
Négociation contrats
Gestion de la relation client
Relations internationales
Développement commercial
Service client
Amélioration de process
Analyser les besoins et définir les objectifs
Qualité d'enthousiasme
Esprit d'entrepreneur
Esprit d'équipe
Developpement portefeuille clients professionnels
Force de proposition


  • Technic Aviation - Responsable Commercial et Achats

    Commercial | Manosque (04100) 2019 - 2019 EMEA Leader pour la réparation et révision générale de génératrices,
    d’hélices, de régulateurs, de pompes à carburant, de trains d’atterrissage,
    de roues et freins d’avions « légés, ATR, A320, 747 » (Part 145)
  • VECMA - Accompagnement spécifique

    Commercial | Orleix (65800) 2017 - 2017 SARL VECMA - représentée par Madame Kathy Labarre Société d’ingénierie de formation et d'expertise de l’innovation managériale et des changements de paradigmes mondiaux (services d’ingénierie, transformation digitale, industrie 4.0…)
    Accompagnement spécifique
  • ITG - Business Development Manager

    Commercial | Pau (64000) 2016 - maintenant Consultant en Développement Commercial International
    Pour des Industries Technologiques
  • THONI ALUTEC - Directeur Commercial Aeronautique et defense

    2011 - 2015 Development of International Aerospace Business and other Business markets.
    Acquisition of new customers in the Aerospace, Marine, Railway and Energy Markets.
    Development of international commercial network relations with foreign companies (In Europe, in North and South America, in Israel, in India and in Japan).
    Supervision, management and negotiation of long term contracts.
    Definition of pricing policy and analysis, interpretation and implementation of budgets. Supervision and Management of specific orders ( Sweden Railway, …).
    Reporting of the activity.
    Deployment of business strategy and management of new customer accounts.
    Supervision and Management of the participation in international aerospace exhibitions.
  • Fonderie Messier - Directeur commercial et marketing

    1996 - 2011 Increase of turnover and export business.
    Supervision and management of new and existing accounts in Aerospace, Defence and Automotive markets.
    Supervision, management and negotiation of contracts with international aerospace companies.
    Team management. Pricing and margin definition. Budget analysis and implementation.
    Management actions to reduce unpaid invoices.
    Responsible for French and International Business, member of board of directors.
    Definition, deployment and management of business strategy.
    Development of international commercial network relations with foreign companies.
    Reporting of the activity.
    Supervision and Management of the company participation in international aerospace exhibitions 97 to 2009.
    Responsible for customers receiving good within specified time.


Pas de formation renseignée

Annuaire des membres :