= > More than 20 years in Sales and Marketing / Trade Marketing on the field...
= > Creation, Opening and managing of representative Office experience in Africa...
= > Over 17 years of experience in FMCG, Food & Beverages, Spirits and Luxury Goods...
= > More than 6 years expatriate in Africa, in International Operations, Business Development, Sales, Marketing and Management.
Ability to operate overseas...
Results & Business oriented...
Special "Swiss Knife - Multifunctions tool"...
Rep-Office and Business Unit management...
Available " Rugby" player, spirit & Team Leader...
Quick Adaptation (moving, new brand, new organisation...)...
Ability to evoluate in high pressure situations and environment...
Ability to work in multi-cultural and different environments with multidisciplinary profiles...
Creation, Development and Execution of the Marketing and Commercial plans, stratégies and priorities...
Born in Africa, with 20 years of personnal and professional experiences in countries as Sénégal, Mali, Ivoiry-Cost, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, DRC, Marocco, ...
Mes compétences :
Direction commerciale
Direction de centre de profits
Mobilité internationale
Formation professionnelle
Marketing stratégique
Stratégie commerciale
Pas de formation renseignée