Welcome to Rebischung Music Viadeo
Composer of music serie Qi Gong, Tai Chi, and Yoga from Beatrice and Patrick Reynier.
Actually, on eleven DVD there is Rebischung original music. Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga are DVD Presenting these arts with all the delicacy and the poetry of the realization, the music consolidating the images’ atmosphere.
Music of Asian inspiration, relaxing in particular tones, or Hindu for the Yoga’s serie, it will be a dumping of electronic songs inspired by traditional songs, and completely in the developed style previously concept albums.
Jean Marie Rebischung Official MySpace (English)
Jean Marie Rebischung Twitter (English)
and new album Yoga and Meditative Spirit on the Rebischung Official
Vampyre, the Fang Nation
Cyberpunk Neo-Seika
Collection "Music for" :
Relaxation et Méditation
Composition des musiques originales:
Qi Gong pour s'assouplir : étirement dynamique des méridiens
Qi Gong pour s'assouplir : étirement postural des méridiens
Qi Gong pour tous : 1000 mains sacrées
Qi Gong: les 8 pièces de brocart et les 5 animaux
Qi Gong les 18 exercices du tai ji qi gong
Tai Chi Chuan forme 8 mouvement spirales
Tai Chi Chuan forme 23
Tai Chi Chuan applications martiales
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga découvrir les bases
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga approfondir la pratique
Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga maitriser la première série
Version Anglaise
The 18 Tai Chi Qi Gong - The 8 Pieces of Brocarde and the 5 Animals
Tai Chi, Discover and begin to practise the Art of Tai Chi
Version Espagnole
Las 8 piezas de Brocardo y los cincos animales
Los 18 ejercicios del Tai Chi Qi Gong
Pas de formation renseignée