


En résumé


Managing Director at Eskils.net
E-Learning industry
2003 – Present

eSkills (www.eSkills.net) is an elearning company which owns amd manages sites such as EnglishAZ.com (www.EnglishAZ.com ArrayArray,Array) providing language E-learning solutions along with support. For our BtoB activity we work with clients such as AFP, eBay, Paypal, CGI Consulting (Logica), Volvo, and others providing platform and content solutions. For our online BtoC clients we work with professionals from CGI Canada, Dell Morocco, The government of Canada, France etc... along with a plethora of SMBs from the 25 countries in which we work. We have business parternships in North South America Europe India and South Africa. At present our on line solution (Y-Links) is working with over 16,000 students on 4 continents.

Account Manager Southern Europe at Ubitrade
Privately Held ; Financial Services industry
2001 – 2003 (2 years)

Paris based software company (managed accounts throughout southern Europe - managed a partnership in Athens) Responsible for 2.5 million Euros in Accounts.

Owner at Compusols
Information Technology and Services industry
1997 – 2001 (4 years)

This Vancouver based company did software training. Clients included The Canadian Armed Forces, Weyhauser, Planet Hollywood, United Nations, Canada Life Insurance, Canada Financial, to name a few.

Director of Programming at King George International College
Education Management industry
1994 – 1998 (4 years)

Language Instructor at SciencePo (Paris)
Higher Education industry
1991 – 1994 (3 years)

University of Toronto [ Edit ]
Bac + 5, Education
1980 – 1985

Specialized in languages acquistion at University of Toronto (Ontario Institute for Studies in Education)
Activities and Societies: President of the Student Undergraduate Assosiation 85,
University of Toronto Alumni Representative France,

Mes compétences :
formation professionnelle


  • ESkills.net - Directeur

    2003 - maintenant eSkills (www.eSkills.net) is an elearning company which owns amd manages sites such as EnglishAZ.com (www.EnglishAZ.com www.FrancaisAZ.com) providing language E-learning solutions along with support. For our BtoB activity we work with clients such as AFP, eBay, Paypal, CGI Consulting (Logica), Volvo, and others providing platform and content solutions. For our online BtoC clients we work with professionals from CGI Canada, Dell Morocco, The government of Canada, France etc... along with a plethora of SMBs from the 14 countries in which we work. At present our on line solution (Y-Links) is working with over 10,000 students on 4 continents.
  • Ubitrade France - Account Manager

    2001 - 2003 Paris based software company (managed accounts throughout southern Europe - managed a partnership in Athens) Responsible for key account management and ongoing business.
  • Compusols - Managing Director

    1997 - 2001 This Vancouver based company did software training. Clients included The Canadian Armed Forces, Weyhauser, Planet Hollywood, United Nations, Canada Life Insurance, Canada Financial, to name a few. There were 5 full time employees.
  • King George International College - Director of Programming

    1995 - 1997


  • Institut D'Etudes Politiques

    Paris 1993 - 1994 Langues

  • University Of Toronto - Ontario Institute For Studies In Education (Toronto)

    Toronto 1986 - 1987 Education

    Intermediate/ Senior Division, English and Arts
  • University Of Toronto

    Toronto 1980 - 1985 BA


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