Pédagogie : formation initiale et continue en biologie et agronomie
Conseil et expertise en production végétale : phytotechnie, itinéraires techniques culturaux, systèmes de culture innovants et durables, protection des plantes
Montage de projets de recherche et collaborations scientifiques et/ou industrielles : biocides alternatifs
Veille et valorisation scientifique
Recherche et développement
Dernières communications:
Yaguiyan, A., Deweer, C., Muchembled, J., Bouton, F. and Halama, P. (2013). In vitro evaluation of fungicidal properties of the thyme essential oil on Fusarium graminearum and Fusarium oxysporum. Future IPM in Europe, Riva Del Garda (Italy), 19-21 March 2013.
Deweer C., Yaguiyan A., Muchembled J., Sahmer K., Dermont C., Halama P. (2013). In vitro evaluation of dill seed Essential Oil antifungal activities to control Zymoseptoria tritici. Oral communication, 65th International Symposium of Crop Protection, Ghent, 21 mai 2013.
Yaguiyan, A., Deweer, C., Muchembled, J., Bouton, F. and Halama, P. (2013) Interests of a botanical extract like essential oil in the control of Septoria Leaf Blotch of wheat. Future IPM in Europe, Riva Del Garda (Italy), 19-21 March 2013.
Yaguiyan A., Deweer C., Muchembled J., Bouton F. and Halama P. (2012). In vitro and in vivo antifungal activities of thyme essential oil against Septoria tritici. 10th international conference on plant diseases, December 3rd, 4th & 5th 2012, Tours (France).
Muchembled, J., Le Frêne, F., Deweer, C., Choma, C. and Halama, P. (2012). Comparison of biofungicide effect of essential oil dill seed on Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium graminearum. Natural products and biocontrol, Perpignan (France), 19-21 September 2012.
Muchembled J., Baert S., Boba N., Lepachelet C., Choma C., Halama P. (2011). Effet inhibiteur de l’huile essentielle d’aneth sur Botrytis cinerea, 30èmes journées internationales des huiles essentielles et extraits, 3ème congrès international des plantes aromatiques et médicinales, Digne les bains, 6-8 septembre.
Muchembled J.; Creton, J.; Choma, C. (2011). In vitro assessment inhibitors properties of essential oils on three fungi pathogens. 4ème Conférence Internationale sur les Méthodes Alternatives en Protection des Cultures. Evolution des cadres réglementaires européen et français. Nouveaux moyens et stratégies Innovantes, Nouveau Siècle, Lille, France, 8-10 mars 2011, pp. 304-313.
1.Muchembled J., Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui A., Grandmougin-Ferjani A. et Sancholle M. (2006). Changes in lipid composition of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici conidia produced on wheat leaves treated with heptanoyl salicylic acid, Phytochemistry 67, 1104-1109.
2. Muchembled J., Lounes-Hadj Sahraoui A., Laruelle F., Palhol F., Couturier D., Grandmougin-Ferjani A. et Sancholle M. (2005). Methoxylated fatty acids in Blumeria graminis conidia, Phytochemistry 66, 793-796.
3. Sancholle M., Laruelle F., Lösel D. et Muchembled J. (2004). Bi
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