- Contract Manager
2016 - maintenant
Long term mission at the head of contract management for a 400 million USD project for the account of Interoil
Angola Lda in Luanda, in partnership with Saipem with Total as direct client for a 7 years Field Operation
Services onshore.
Project activities included construction of the onshore logistics base for both North & South FPSOs of KAOMBO
Project, procurement of logistic equipment, mobilisation and training personnel, and various subcontracting
services placement.
Management of contractual communications with client and multi-subcontracting collaborators, identification
and troubleshooting critical issues. Support on document and project control regarding progress submission.
Identification and contractual development of business opportunities. Production of reports and registers on
contract execution strategy, risk identification, risk mitigation and incentive plans. Preparation and defence of
claims regarding multiple variation and disruptive delays. Call of tender for catering scope of work.
Consistently delivered business results with 20+ million USD of payment resolution, and 9.5 million USD of
advance payment, and avoided more than 10 million USD extra costs.
Prezioso Linjebygg (Groupe Altrad)
- Contract Manager
2016 - maintenant
Long term mission at the head of contract management for a 400 million USD project for the account of Interoil Angola Lda in Luanda, in partnership with Saipem with Total as direct client for a 7 years Field Operation Services onshore.
Project activities included construction of the onshore logistics base for both North & South FPSOs of KAOMBO Project, procurement of logistic equipment, mobilisation and training personnel, and various subcontracting services placement.
Management of contractual communications with client and multi-subcontracting collaborators, identification and troubleshooting critical issues. Support on document and project control regarding progress submission. Identification and contractual development of business opportunities. Production of reports and registers on contract execution strategy, risk identification, risk mitigation and incentive plans. Preparation and defence of claims regarding multiple variation and disruptive delays. Call of tender for catering scope of work.
Consistently delivered business results with several million USD in dispute resolution, risks deletion and opportunities.
- Deputy Operations Manager & Project Manager
2015 - 2016
Mid-term mission in support of Operations Manager for the coordination of project managers.
Management of projects through their entire life cycle from tender analysis, manpower and equipment
mobilisation, materials procurement, budget planning, update and forecast, redaction of technical documents,
scheduling, invoicing process, monthly corporate reviews supervision.
Creation and deployment of tailor-made reporting tools and production dashboards including Key Performance
Indexes (KPIs) for financial and operational control. Training of 8 project managers from various nationalities
(Jordanian, Indian and Pakistani) to enhance application of corporate recommendations in terms of project
management capabilities and contract management approach such as production tracking tools, reporting,
client relationship management, etc.
Management of an on-site scaffolding and painting project in ADCO BAB plant, with incentive plans and
contract & finance management. Improvement of initial foreseen margin by 5%. Management of a painting
bench for Zadco well-casing project, with a rejection rate lower than 0.50 % and 10% margin improvement.
Management of a blasting and painting yard up to 100 staff, with 5 million USD yearly turnover projects.
Prezioso Emdad
- Project Manager
2015 - 2016
Mid-term mission in support of Operations Manager for the coordination of project managers.
Management of projects and budgets (Total, Emdad, IMCC, Bardot, Penta Global, Petrofac, etc.) through their entire life cycle from tender analysis, manpower and equipment mobilisation, materials procurement, budget planning, update and forecast, redaction of technical documents, scheduling, invoicing process, monthly corporate reviews supervision.
Creation and deployment of tailor-made reporting tools and production dashboards including Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) for financial and operational control. Training of 8 project managers from various nationalities (Jordanian, Indian and Pakistani) to enhance application of corporate recommendations in terms of project management capabilities and contract management approach such as production tracking tools, reporting, client relationship management, etc.
Management of an on-site scaffolding and painting project in ADCO BAB plant, with incentive plans and contract & finance management. Improvement of initial foreseen margin by 5%. Management of a painting bench for Zadco well-casing project, with a rejection rate lower than 0.50 % and 10% margin improvement.
Management of a blasting and painting yard up to 100 staff, with 5 million USD yearly turnover projects.
- Project Coordinator
2014 - 2015
Coordination of various projects through specific and critical steps from tender building, to equipment
mobilisation and invoicing.
Coordination of mobilisation between France and Nigeria for Bonga FPSO refurbishment, including airfreight,
and preparation of production tools. Remote supervision of order books and invoicing for a blasting & painting
yard located in Warri, Nigeria. Offshore mission in Gabon for the improvement of production management tools
on Total Painting Campaign and schedule reforecast. Invoicing of manpower for FPU ALIMA shutdown
preparation. Redaction of technical documentation, scheduling, invoicing process, review and comments on
corporate Project Management Manuals.
Previous Employments:
Prezioso Linjebygg
- Project Coordinator
2014 - 2015
Coordination of various projects through specific and critical steps from tender building, to equipment mobilisation and invoicing.
Coordination of mobilisation between France and Nigeria for Bonga FPSO refurbishment, including airfreight, and preparation of production tools. Remote supervision of order books and invoicing for a blasting & painting yard located in Warri, Nigeria. Offshore mission in Gabon for the improvement of production management tools on Total Painting Campaign and schedule reforecast. Invoicing of manpower for FPU ALIMA shutdown preparation. Redaction of technical documentation, scheduling, invoicing process, review and comments on corporate Project Management Manuals.
CHANEL Parfums Beauté
- Stage de fin d'études
2013 - 2013
Chargé d'étude au service de l'équipe innovation packaging, mon rôle était d'apporter des solutions simples et performantes à leur besoin en veille technologique. J'ai ainsi pu participr aux projets de l'équipe, en prospectant de façon pertinente les partenaires potentiels sur des thématiques packaging données. Cette implication m'a permis de formuler leur besoin afin d'orienter l'exploration de solutions. Suite à l'évaluation des différentes solutions benchmarkées, un panel d'outils et de bonnes pratiques ont été validées par l'équipe.
Cette période de 6 mois m'a permis d'appliquer à la fois les connaissances acquises via mon parcours d'ingénieur généraliste à Arts et Métiers ParisTech et les outils méthodologiques engrangés en Master Recherche Innovation-Conception-Ingénierie.
- Technology Surveyor
2013 - 2013
Technology watch & survey for "Innovation Packaging" department
- Stage assistant ingénieur
2012 - 2012
L'objet de ce stage, était d'assurer la confirmité de la configuration d'un sous-marin. Cela consistait tout d'abord à analyser des plans 2D, et à traiter des bases de données Excel. Ensuite je devais m'assurer de la concordance des données entre les plans et les bases de données, impliquant à plusieurs reprises le déclenchement et le suivi d'actions correctives. Pour finir ce suivi d'actions m'obligeait parfois à assurer la coordination entre les équipes de configuration et le chantier. Le traitement des problèmes relevés m'a demandé d'être à la fois rigoureux dans l'analyse, mais aussi réactif dans le traitement des actions déclenchées.
Ce stage a été l'occasion de prouver ma capacité à gérer un projet comportant des situations d'urgence mais aussi le suivi d'actions sur plusieurs mois. Le bon sens mécanique acquis en CPGE et aux Arts et Métiers ParisTech était également un grand plus pour la détection de solutions technologiques le cas échéant.
- Stage Ouvrier
2012 - 2012
Initiation aux postes de montage mécanique et électrique de groupes électrogènes.
- Technical Support
2012 - 2012
on mechanical installation for Submarines / Quantity surveyor / Data base consolidation.
- Labor
2011 - 2011
Mechanical and electrical installation on diesel electricity generator.