


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Team leader


  • CGBI pour Cortal - Web developer

    maintenant Part of the BNP-PARIBAS group, Cortal bank offers stocks information and trading with several other classic bank activity.
    * Designed and developed a part of the application to display stocks information and news using frameworks of the information providers (REUTERS).
    * Documented each change and improvement in the developed framework of application.

    Technical environment: MICROSOFT ASP, REUTERS FRAMEWORK
  • Help Institute SDN. BHD (Malaysia) - Web developer

    maintenant * Programmed university WAP site in order to manage student’s personal information.
    * Programmed web administration tool for university secretarial staff.

    Technical environment: PHP, ORACLE, NOKIA TOOLKIT
  • Business Decision - Manager MDM

    2013 - maintenant Expertise MDM sur la solution Informatica MDM Hub / IDD
    Direction de projet (Santé, Industrie)
    Conseil sur la gouvernance des données et choix d'outils.
    BID management
  • Business & Decision - Chef de projet

    Courbevoie 2010 - maintenant Gestion de projet MDM au forfait
    Planification et encadrement de l’équipe projet ( >10 personnes)
    Animation d’atelier de recueil des besoins et rédaction de documentation fonctionnelle.
    Gestion de la qualité, recette et déploiement de l’application, suivi de production

  • Euler-Hermes - Business Analyst

    Courbevoie 2008 - 2010 The project was a decommissioning of the mainframe and to implement actual and new Belgium requirement on the designated group application. The team was spread other 3 countries (France, Belgium and Netherlands).
    - Gather commercial & finance requirements from directors and users and write necessary documentation.
    - Define migration data rules
    - Tackle day to day issues such as developers questions on business, Manage and dispatch task to developers, report to project management.
    - Tracking of production bug fixing.
  • Duke Interactive - Team Leader

    2007 - 2008 -Manage the development of a mailing application for Nissan Europe.
    - Identify client needs and technical issues by interacting with technical director and art director.
    - Wrote technical specification and develop the state machine to handle the different mailing possibilities

  • Clearstream - Senior Developer

    Paris 2006 - 2006 * Design and development a REPO application (repurchase agreement) to allow different partners to exchange cash and securities automatically. The application will handle a large amount of transaction for a value of several billions dollars each days.
    * Suggest different tools to improve development and apply best practices.
    * Organised and provides solution to test the application for the development team

    Technical environment: J2EE, EJB 2.0, WEBLOGIC Server 9.1, ORACLE 9i, JUNIT
  • Telkom - Team leader

    2006 - 2007 - Manage the development of Fault Management Application to register network fault and dispatch technician on the field.
    - Interact with business analyst to identify problem in UML diagram and write technical specification
    - Affect unit of work to the team and report ongoing work with the manager.
    - Development and audit of the fault management application for voice service.
    - Created prototype of new Fault management application for non voice service using struts2, Spring, JBOSS and Hibernate.
    - Initiate design reviews of the current Telkom Unibase framework.

    Technical environment: J2EE, WEBLOGIC Server 8.1, ORACLE 9i, STRUTS, HIBERNATE, MAVEN, SPRING
  • Sopragroup - pour l'anpe - J2EE developer - Project Manager

    2003 - 2005 Project management (define task, report to project director, study and anticipate client needs)

    * Successfully managed the development of a Weblogic Portal application to offer the possibility for ANPE’s partner to search offers and consult documentation.
    * Managed development of the web applications to permit ANPE’s consultant to consult information of every registered user
    * Unravelled problems resolution between client and development team.

    Design and development

    * Designed and developed several web applications and functionality according to client’s specifications :
    * Allow unemployed person to apply online, and ANPE’s consultant to check applicant form (2000 days project).
    * Connecting web applications and mainframe system using SCORT framework.
    * Develop several new functionalities (webapps) and a webservice to share job offer with partners.
    * Documented tests and technical records for each project.
    * Documented new functionalities for each project
    * Maintenance of the global applications.

    Technical environment: J2EE, EJB 2.0, STRUTS, JSP, WEBLOGIC Server 8.1, UNIX,



Annuaire des membres :