


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Fiabilisation process
Lean manufacturing
Maintenance management
Management projet
Catia v5
Autodesk inventor


  • TAKATA AG - Process Design Engineer

    2012 - maintenant • Developed of project with Takata team including Testing Engineer, Application Engineer and Project Manager.
    • Implemented DFMEA, cost reduction and improvement of safety system.
    • Analysed new acquisition and implemented business plan for new project
    • Created 3D data on Catia following customer general design.
    • Implementation of assembly / parts drawings with tolerances and dimensions according to customer specifications.
    • Managed technical part references and drawings to create part lists. Released in intern data system.
    • Communicated daily information and feedback between customer team and Takata team in order to respect the milestone.
    • Communicated between the different production factories of Takata for the coordination of the process.
    • Analysed and joint checked in customer factory to approve functionality and design of the final system.
  • Erasteel Innovative Material (ERAMET GROUP) - Ingénieur Process

    2010 - 2010 Tianjin (CHINA): Juillet - Aout 2010

    •Leading projects to improve process in terms of product quality and processing speed

    •Training operators, quality technicians and supervisors based on project outcome
  • Erasteel Kloster (ERAMET GROUP) - Ingénieur Process

    2010 - 2010 Langshyttan (SWEDEN): Novembre 2010

    •Leading a project to analyse and assist a process factory move from Sweden to England.

    •Writting of the entire procedures, working instructions, knowledge manual of the moving process.
  • Erasteel Commentry (ERAMET GROUP) - Ingénieur Process

    2010 - maintenant Commentry (FRANCE): Décembre 2010

    •Visit and comparative analyse of the Drawing Shop to improve the productivity.

    •Meeting with the lab personnel to implement teamwork between two sites for steel sample analyses.

    •Knowledge management project to write, organise and record the entire experienced knowledge of the Hot Drawing.
  • Erasteel Stubs (ERAMET GROUP) - Ingénieur Process

    2008 - 2011 Projet sur le site d'Erasteel Stubs (Manchester, Angleterre) :
    - Amélioration d’une chaine de production (8 machines, 12
    operateurs) sur la vitesse de fabrication et la qualité du produit final.
    - Analyse en laboratoire des comportements de l’acier au cours de sa
    fabrication (élasticité, dureté, caractéristiques mécaniques)

    •Leading projects to improve process in terms of product quality and processing speed

    •Analysing process variables and its effect on the high speed steel production as well as checked adequate process windows to ensure product quality

    •Training operators, quality technicians and supervisors based on project outcome

    •Implementation of OEE management program, process procedures, working instruction and technical manual
  • Aubert & Duval (ERAMET GROUP) - Ingénieur Projet

    2006 - 2008 Diplome d'ingénieur généraliste en alternance

    Projet sur le site d'Aubert & Duval (Gennevilliers 92) :
    - Etude sur l’implantation d’un bac de trempe polymère pour le traitement thermique
    - Fiabilisation d’un banc de contrôle
    - Création de fiches de sécurité pour les machines de production

    •Performed technical and commercial feasibility studies, project planning to implement polymer quench bath.

    •Designed the process and machines involved using 3D modelling software. Also developed risk analysis for polymers and chemicals used on the quench process

    •Analysed main causes of breakdowns and lack of reliability of the process and defined actions to eliminate and improve the equipment.

    •Implemented proposed actions and developed Total Productive Maintenance on the control line.



Annuaire des membres :