


En résumé

Forte d'une expérience atypique en Asie dans une PME de services d'analyses et d'études scientifiques, je me définis par un esprit curieux, avec une expertise en physico-chimie et caractérisation (fluides et systèmes complexes, nanomatériaux).
Mes points forts reconnus sont également le management, la communication, coordination et organisation, relations humaines et une ouverture d'esprit notable.
Ce qui me plait dans les projets sont généralement :
= > transversalité scientifique (faire appel à une variété de concepts et technologies, constante remise en cause de ses connaissances)
= > variété d'interlocuteurs et de tâches: nécessité d'adapter son attitude (équipe technique, clients internes ou externes, commerciaux ou marketing, français ou étrangers)
= > valoriser les résultats et les transformer en business.

What to remember about me and transferable skills:
- Primarily scientist, with methodology and curiosity, challenging myself and everyone in the team for knowledge development.
- Deep knowledge of materials characterization (complex, soft and condensed matter) together with extended and innovative methods of data interpretation. Always questioning, leading to continuous improvement
- Pragmatic vision: able to translate key findings into problem solving and business opportunities, keeping the target in mind at all times
- Recognized leadership, together with great organizational skills, multi-task and efficiency but quality oriented.
- Able to build and maintain strong relationships (customers, partners…).

Mes compétences :
Recherche et Développement
Analyse de données
Problem solver
Synthèse et reporting
Présentation powerpoint
Collaboration franco chinoise
Qualités humaines
Qualités rédactionnelles
Esprit analytique
Esprit curieux
Mobilité nationale et internationale
Ouverture d'esprit et communication
Efficacité et professionnalisme
Ponctualité et disponibilité
Implication et réactivité
Persévérante et force de propositions


  • L'Oréal - Ingénieur de Recherche Avancée

    PARIS 2015 - maintenant Recherche Avancée : Chimie Analytique, Analyses thermiques et physico-chimiques.
  • InS Thai - Laboratory Manager, Account and Project Manager

    2012 - 2014 Presentation of the company:
    Ins Thai Ltd. is a French SME based in Thailand since 2008, providing technical and scientific service such as troubleshooting and physical-chemical analyses to various industries in materials science and chemistry, locally and internationally. Its lab located North Bangkok, InS Thai also develops specialty products made from natural resources (e.g. lubricants) and test its performances (e.g. through tribology).

    As a Laboratory Manager:
    Multidisciplinary functions from customer relationship to laboratory management (project and human resources) through coordination with French laboratories within the group.

    Customer relationship
    - Customer prospection visits, company presentation
    - Feasibility study of customer requests from various fields, technical offer and financial contract preparation
    - Developing and maintaining strong relationships with customers locally and internationally

    Laboratory and project management
    - Recruitment for the local laboratory, today composed of 8 technicians, masters and PhDs (Thais)
    - Scientific project preparation with budget forecast and follow up
    - Project management and organization of daily work
    - Conducting studies and preparation/validation of customer deliverable (reports, presentation) along with customer technical meetings
    - Developing a network of scientific partners (private labs and universities) locally and internationally

    - Coordinate internal and external work with strict dead lines
    - Maintaining close relationship with companies within the group in France
    - Technical support and exchange with the laboratories and commercial teams, co-project management
  • IFP Energies Nouvelles - Ecole Polytechnique - PhD

    2009 - 2012 PhD in soft matter characterization and modelling

    Structural Study of Petroleum Asphaltenes: from model to process conditions.

    From the nano-scale to the macroscopic scale, study of a complex and unstructured natural material by small angle scattering techniques (neutron, X-ray, light), in model solvent and in heavy oil, at process temperature (up to 350°C). Size, shape characterizations and modelling; several steps aggregation; dynamics and rheological properties.

    Keywords: asphaltenes, complex fluid, colloidal organization, aggregation, dynamics.
  • IFP Énergies Nouvelles - Rsearch Associate (PhD candidate)

    RUEIL MALMAISON 2009 - 2011
  • COTY Inc. - Research Engineer in Powder compaction technology

    Paris 2007 - 2008 Cosmetic powders, troubleshooting on quality of powder compacts.

    R&D project on characterization of cosmetic powder properties (size, compaction, compressibility, flowability, moisture uptake)
    Production of powder compacts: global process appraised (manufacturing, pressing, assembly).
    Improvement of the quality controls and implementation of complementary tests.
  • INRA - UNILEVER - Research Scientist in Food Industry/Separation process

    2006 - 2007 Membrane contactor technology applied to aroma fractionation.

    R&D project on aroma fractionation.
    Liquid-gas extractions with a pilot membrane contactor.
    GC and sensory analyses.
  • L'OREAL - Internship: QA control

    PARIS 2004 - 2004 Recherche et Developpement de Procedes Aulnay Sous Bois


  • Université Compiègne

    Compiegne maintenant
  • Université De Technologie De Compiègne (UTC) (Compiegne)

    Compiegne 2007 - 2008 Research Master degree

    Process Technologies, Powders specialization
  • Université De Technologie De Compiègne (UTC) (Compiegne)

    Compiegne 2003 - 2008 Master degree

    Chemical Process Engineering
  • Lycée Gabriel Faure (Tournon Sur Rhone)

    Tournon Sur Rhone 1999 - 2003 Scientifique


Annuaire des membres :