


En résumé

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  • AXA Investment Managers - Migration Analyst (business analyst)

    Nanterre 2012 - 2012 Business Analyst in charge of the migration of the matching platform from Omgeo Oasys Global to Omgeo Central Trade Manager.

    This position was located in London, UK.
  • NewSide - QA analyst

    2012 - 2012 In charge of the QA of a module for Orchestrade (front-to-back , cross-asset, solution for hedge funds and asset managers).

    - I wrote the test strategy
    - I coordinated the testers
    - I tested the module for Interest Rate Derivatives and bond options: I wrote the relevant test books and executed the tests.
    - I summarized the test results from all testers.
  • BNP Paribas CIB - Business analyst

    Paris 2011 - 2011 Inside the Fixed Income IT department, I was a business analyst in charge of fixes and evolutions in the interface between the front-office software for interest rate derivatives and the back-office software (Murex 3.1).

    - analisys of tickets from support team
    - functional specifications for evolutions and fixes
    - writing of tests, execution of tests
    - follow-up of developments and releases
    - functional specifications for the interface between BNP Paribas CIB and a trade repository run by the company DTCC on behalf of the OTC Derivatives Regulators Forum
    - follow-up of the developements for this interface
    - writing and execution of tests for this interface
    - follow-up of release of this interface
  • NewSide - Senoir Consultant

    2011 - maintenant
  • Société Générale CIB - Business analyst

    PARIS 2009 - 2011 I participated to the migration of an US-subsidiary's front-office system into the central front-office system of SG CIB.

    - writing and execution of tests
    - participation to the actual migration

    I also partipated to the business requirements writing and the software design for a valuation control tool.

    - validation of requirements
    - writing of functional specifications
  • Société Générale CIB - Technical architect and developper

    PARIS 2008 - 2011 Inside the department ITEC/FIC (information technology for fixed income), I was part of a team who built a data distribution application. The distributed data are derivatives deals and their valuations. They are distributed to back-office applications (risk, collateralization, client valuation etc.) in the form of XML files. The application is deployed on a computer grid.

    - design of the technical architecture
    - development of the technical architecture
    - development of the business class
    - tests
    - releases
    - production support for end-of-month extracts
  • EADS Defence and Security Systems - Developper

    Blagnac 2000 - 2008 Java developper
    C developper


  • CFA Institute (Charlottesville, Va)

    Charlottesville, Va 2012 - maintenant candidate to the level II of the CFA examination
  • CFA Institute (Charlottesville, Va)

    Charlottesville, Va 2011 - 2012 passed the level I of the CFA examination (first try)

    Evry 1997 - 2000 Ingénieur


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