2005 - 2005The CSA is an independent administrative authority that guarantees and promotes broadcasting freedom in France
Sole coordinator of the statutory campaign for the referendum on European Constitution:
- Liaised with France’s Constitutional Council to define the campaign’s legal framework.
- Supervised the production of TV and radio party political broadcasts, ensured parties respected statutory guidelines (time and content).
- Monitored the treatment of all political parties in the main campaign, ensured that the guidelines for pluralism and fairness were respected.
- Drafted final report and presented campaign learnings to the Constitutional Council.
University of Manchester
- Research project administrator
2005 - 2008- Proactively supported the preparation of new external funding proposals, developed the network of sponsors including the European Commission, the Research Councils, the Leverhulme Trust, the Ford Foundation
- Managed the financial aspects of the school’s projects: controlled expenses against budget, produced and analysed management information, reported to external partners and sponsors (including RAE preparation)
- Managed a portfolio of research and consultancy projects: recruitment of research staff, contract negotiation, organisation of conferences and seminars
- Increased the visibility of the School’s research: reorganised and updated the Research website, created communication documents, represented the School in sponsors events
- Supported the administration of the CPRC (Chronic Poverty Research Centre)
Graines de soleil - Eurosud, PARIS
- Administrator, Production manager and Network coordinator
2003 - 2005Project manager and administrator
- Successfully managed the administrative, legal and financial aspects of both institutions.
- Earned more than £ 100k through contract negotiation and fundraising activities.
- Managed a multicultural team of 8 people.
- Organised several events financed by international organisations and French government departments.
- Created, developed and launched the “Festival au féminin”, an international, pluridisciplinary (dance, theatre, music, cinema) festival taking place annually in March in several theatres and galleries across Paris.
VCU French Film Festival
- Director Assistant
2002 - 2003
- Social Economy and Sustainable Development Consultant
2000 - 2002- Prepared studies on social economy and local development.
- Wrote the final report of the European Consultation on social economy for the French Government Department of Work & Pensions.
- Collaborated on the creation of a European network (HACER) between social workers, political institutions and inhabitants of disadvantaged neighbourhoods within Europe.
- Created and launched a daily press review for articles on social economy.