


En résumé

During my 5 year training in Biomedical Engineering, I specialized in physiological and especially neurophysiological signal analysis.

Then, I decided to join the Neuroergonomics & Human Factor Team at ISAE-SUPAERO in Toulouse to realise a PhD

Mes compétences :
Traitement du Signal
Programmation informatique
Dispositifs médicaux
Ventilation Médical (VNI)


  • ISAE (Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace) - PhD Researcher

    Toulouse 2016 - maintenant Smart-Cockpit : Online monitoring of two pilots using EEG and fNIRS
  • Aqsitania Signal Intelligence - R&D Internship

    2013 - 2013 Non-linear periodical signals analysis in the context of NIV (Non-Invasive Ventilation)

    From an innovative mathematical approach of non-linear signals :

    Definition of an analytical methodology in order to:
    - Establish a morphological classification of the different signals;
    - Analyze morphological parameters when approaching asynchronies;
    - Propose and design improvements or new functions on the online tool;

    Research and experimentation of algorithms:
    - Periodical signals segmentation
    - Multidimensional hierarchical representation of morphological signatures;
  • INRIA - Research and Experimentation Internship

    Le Chesnay 2011 - 2011 Within the OpenVibe project team
    BMI (Brain-Machine Interfaces) Experimentation

    --- Study / Definition of protocols and algorithms used for experimentation
    - Motor Imaging and SSVEP (Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential)
    - Temporal - Spatial filtering
    - Linear Classifier - Feedback

    --- Implementation of experiments:
    - Research and Participants management
    - Experiment conducting : EEG (Electro-encephalogram)
    - Implementation of defined protocols

    - Data gathering & Analysis - Writing
  • CHU Rouen - Service de Neurophysiologie - Biomedical Internship

    2010 - 2010 Within the Neurophysiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery departments, feasibility study of electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring of patients operated with Extracorporeal Circulation (CEC) by amplitude monitoring (aEEG)

    - Observation of the operating condition of patients under (CEC)
    - Collection of hospitalization reports and surgical reports over 6 months
    - Analysis of EEG traces of patients undergoing surgery
    - Comparison with the proposed new method: Amplitude EEG (aEEG)
    - Adoption by the Surgery Department of the new monitoring method


  • Université Rouen Haute Normandie

    Mont Saint Aignan 2011 - 2013 Master

    Cursus Ingénieur orienté vers les Problématiques Médicales.
    Traitement de Signal - Reconnaissance de Forme - Programmation d'interfaces.
    Physique pour la Biomédecine - Bio-Ingénierie - ElectroPhysiologie
  • Université Rouen Haute Normandie

    Mont Saint Aignan 2009 - 2011 Licence

    Cursus Ingénieur orienté vers les Problématiques Médicales.
    Mathématiques - Informatiques - Physique-Chimie
    Physiologie - Biologie - Instrumentation Biomédicale
  • Institution Saint Joseph

    Le Havre 2004 - 2007 Baccalauréat Scientifique

    Baccalauréat Scientifique spécialité Biologie


Annuaire des membres :