
Kieran MOREL


En résumé

Veuillez voir mon profil en anglais

Mes compétences :
Internal audit
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management


  • Ecole secondaire publique - Enseignant

    2014 - maintenant Enseignant des mathématiques et de l'économie au degré secondaire I
  • Ecole secondaire publique - Enseignant en formation

    2012 - 2014
  • Ecole secondaire publique - Enseignant remplaçant

    2010 - 2012
  • Adecco Finance Switzerland - Finance Consutant / Recruiter

    2007 - 2009
  • Adecco Mgt&Consulting SA / Zurich - Global SOX Coordinator

    2005 - 2006 Global Coordinator: management of the worldwide roll-out of the SOX 404 Certification and Reporting IT software (Paisley Risk Navigator), adaptation of the functionalities to the audit methodology, development of reports, training of users, coordination between the technical help desks and the software provider.
  • Adecco Mgt & Consulting SA / Zurich - Senior Internal Auditor

    2003 - 2005 Group Internal Audit and Risk Management. Audit of the financial and operational processes: assessment of the adequacy of internal controls; sharing of best practices; presentation of audit reports and recommendations to management (CEO, CFO & Zone mgt); preparation of summary reports for the Audit Committee; cooperation with external auditor teams.
    Sarbanes-Oxley Act Section 404 project: design of risk-assessment guidelines, development of a testing methodology, planning of audit pilots, critical review of narratives and flow-charts, test of design and operating effectiveness of internal controls over financial reporting, work with external consultants.
  • TotalFinaElf / Geneva - Financial Analyst

    2001 - 2002 Financial Analyst for “Elf Trading SA” (Middle Office Crude Oil), Geneva, Switzerland: Oil Trading division (300 employees) of the TotalFinaElf group. Analyst for risk management and Profit&Loss reporting: monitoring of oil markets, forward and futures activity; consolidation of the price risk positions and exposure; optimisation of the pricing (physical hedge); calculation of the daily P&Ls and VaR; modelling of a reporting concept for the specific activity of the Persian Gulf trading desk.
  • International Network for Small Hydro Power - Volunteer

    2000 - 2000 Volunteer for „International Network on Small Hydro Power (IN-SHP)“ NGO (30 employees), Hangzhou, PR China, for the promotion of sustainable development in developing countries through renewable energies. Consultant in the “International Relations” division: elaboration of a development cooperation strategy and project management concept; research and coordination work for partnerships with the UN and other NGOs; financial pre-feasibility studies on JV-projects; research on utility markets and emissions trading.


  • HEP Vd (Lausanne)

    Lausanne 2012 - 2014 Diplôme d'enseignement pour le degré secondaire I
  • Humboldt-University (Berlin)

    Berlin 1997 - 1999 Sinologie

    Exchange student (Socrates program)

  • HEC Université De Lausanne (Lausanne)

    Lausanne 1994 - 1999 Economics


Annuaire des membres :