


En résumé

Offre de Services de Traduction
Je suis Maître Lahcène AISSANI:
Traducteur-interprète officiel (Anglais-Français-Arabe)
Je prends tous travaux de traduction certifiée et commerciale..
Mon Bureau se trouve à la Cité Confort, Bt M67, 3ème Etage, porte gauche, El Madania Alger, à proximité du téléphérique.
Tél: 213 (0)553207231
E-mail: aissani.lahcene@gmail.com
En attendant de vous servir, veuillez agréer mes salutations les plus distinguées
N.B : je respecte les délais.

Mes compétences :
selection of articles and cartoons
day training
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Excel


  • Office de Traduction Officielle - Traducteur-interprète officiel

    2008 - maintenant
  • Simple Productions - Proof-reader

    2007 - maintenant
  • The Japanese Pacific Consultants International - Translator & Interpreter

    2007 - 2007 : Translator-Interpreter for the Japanese Pacific Consultants International (PCI), in the framework of the construction of the East-West motorway. I was in charge of the translation of reports and daily interpreting for the expatriate personnel.
  • The American NGO Journalism Development Group - Translator & Interpreter

    2007 - 2007 Responsibilities included drawing up a daily press review and the translation of selected articles from main national newspapers into English. I was also in charge of interpreting during the weekly meetings of the P-DG of JDG and the journalists.
  • NGO Anti-Slavery International - Researcher

    2006 - maintenant : An internship at the London based NGO Anti-Slavery International, fighting against modern-day slavery. I have been volunteering as Researcher assisting the Africa Program Officers. I prepared a database on modern day slavery in North Africa (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and Libya). It deals with checking the existence if any of forms of slavery such as human trafficking, Child Labor, Forced Labour, Forced Marriage and gathering the references of the local organizations working on these topics. Responsibilities included also the translation of some reports from English to French.
  • Algerian Arabic - Freelance & Translator

    2004 - 2005 for the Algerian Arabic daily newspaper Al-Fadjr, in charge of preparing a weekly page based on the translation from English and French into Arabic of a selection of articles and cartoons from the international media.
  • El Khabar Daily Newspaper - Translator

    2001 - maintenant : Translator (English - French - Arabic) for the Algerian review Naqd of Social Studies and Criticism.
  • El Khabar Daily Newspaper - Journalist & Head of Translation Section

    2000 - maintenant : Journalist and Head of Translation Section in charge of the online edition of the Algerian Arabic daily newspaper El-Khabar in French and English.
  • The Embassy of the Republic of Iraq - Free translator

    2000 - 2001 for the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Algeria. Responsibilities included the translation into Arabic of articles from the main national French speaking newspapers such as El-Watan, Le Matin, Le Soir d'Algérie , drawing a weekly press review.
  • Algerian Arabic - Translator & journalist

    1999 - 2001 for the Algerian Arabic daily newspaper El-Youm. I was in charge of covering the cultural events and the translation of articles of some writers.


  • University Of Malta (Msida)

    Msida 2005 - 2006 : One-year Masters' studies program in Human Rights and Democratization
  • University Of Malta (Msida)

    Msida 2004 - 2005 Masters' Degree
  • University Of Algiers (Alger)

    Alger 2000 - 2001 Masters' Degree

    : Two-year Master's studies program in translation (English-Arabic-French)
  • University Of Algiers (Alger)

    Alger 1996 - 2000 Bachelors Degree

    : Bachelor's Degree in Journalism after four years of higher education studies
  • University Of Algiers (Alger)

    Alger 1992 - 1996 Bachelors Degree

    : Bachelor's Degree in Translation (English-French-Arabic) after four years of higher education studies
  • Abdullah Ibn Massoud High School (M'Sila)

    M'Sila 1990 - 1991 Baccalaureate Degree


Annuaire des membres :