


En résumé

I am experienced over 10 years in the Engineering, Commissioning and Managing Projects of ICSS in the Oil&Gas, Water Treatment industry.

Other Skills:
Good personal planning, organisational and analytical skills
International team work and fast learning capability and handled various responsibilities
Automation with IT background & Engineering background
Good Communication skills, Able to work under pressure and safety conscious

Mes compétences :
Project Management


  • Oil & Gas - ICSS Projects Leader

    2012 - maintenant Project: Upgrade of the ESD, Fire & Gas Systems (Triconex) and migration of existing PSS (Provox Emerson) on Triconex
    Follow up and supervise the ICSS activities to be carried out for the FPU and 3xWHP+FGSO
    Ensures that work and testing (IFAT) are performed in a formal controlled and auditable manner and that scope changes are controlled
    Coordinate the work with the field operation team to define and implement all the new requirements in the ICSS.
    Support and advise the contractors on ICSS system design, construction and offshore hookup and commissioning of the FPU to meet project requirements.
    Participate in technical meetings, challenge the Contractor, supervise and promote cost saving solutions in the design.

  • Degrémont - Lead DCS Engineer

    Paris La Défense 2011 - 2012 Project:Al dur Power Desalination plant Reverse Osmosis 218 000 m3 day
    Lead DCS/PCS7 commissioning project, conducts and provides sufficient technical support and guiding the project team in implementing the best practice for project successful fulfillment.
    Configures software and hardware to meet project specifications, including control software, SCADA HMI, communication interface and control room setup.
    Completion of commissioning documents and generation of the associated AS-BUILT documentation and softwares
    Handover of systems that have been commissioned to operating personne

  • Siemens SPA - Automation Specialist

    2010 - 2011 Commissioning of a Data Acquisition & Control System (SCADA) for the transfer of Water (systeme included water desalination, pumping stations, reservoirs, fibre-optic communication, Router Module, IP networks, advanced instrumentation)(Siemens PLC+Panorama for supervision in the control room)
    Executes project and installation engineering from design and generation, testing, commissioning and start-up.
  • Sonatrach - Lead Automation Engineer

    2009 - 2010 Integration of new cooling tower and 4 filters, Control System design, Project documentation creation, installation of necessary equipment and instrumentation, design the new Controller and developing new software configuration, Allen Bradley PLC.
    Commissioning of the Control system PCS7 2xCPU 414H Redundant (CFC/SFC Programs) Along with commissioning, all necessary documents preparation (Commissioning Test Specification, Commissioning Test Plant, Commissioning Test Report...) and operating personnel training
  • CRYOSTAR FRANCE - Control & Instrument Engineer

    2008 - 2009 Project: Re-liquefaction plants for Qatar gas LNG fleet (ECOREL project)
    Preparation of commissioning folders, Commissioning & Start-up Instrumentation & Control System (Honeywell Experion), loop checking, working with various field instrumentation as pressure, temperature, levels, flows and control valves
    Preparing the Functional Test Documentation, Loop Drawings and Logical Diagrams, Cause& Effects Diagrams, Wiring Connections Diagrams.
    Start-up of Gas compressors, turbines, dryers, heaters (Cryogenic equipments) and pumps (LNG loops)
    Sea trial and Gas trial included (offshore).
  • Sonatrach - Automation Engineer

    2008 - 2008 Commissioning of water treatment station (R0), system includes SIEMENS S7 300 Connected with 0P17
  • Sonatrach - Automation Engineer

    2008 - 2008 Engineering and design of new RTU’s for 40 gas wellhead, PLC Program and communication test with the DCS/ABB of the gas treatment plant (PLC Siemens and FO, Radio communication)
  • Safir Engineering - ICSS Engineer

    Quincy-Voisins 2007 - 2008 Project: AKPO FPSO
    Programming and commissioning of safety systems (ESD, FGS, PSS), Invensys control Triconex 6000 I/O
    Position based in South Korea, Ulsan. (Hyundai Shipyards
  • Safir Engineering - Automation enfineer

    Quincy-Voisins 2007 - 2007 Project: Oxide of ethylene storage unit SIEMENS S7 300 and HMI Programming (Simatic Step 7 and win CC)
  • Safir Engineering - Automation Engineer

    Quincy-Voisins 2007 - 2007 Programming and commissioning of two PLC SIEMENS (S7 200) for the management of switchboards MT / BT
  • Safir Engineering - Automation Engineer

    Quincy-Voisins 2006 - 2007 Design and engineering and commissioning of a Data Acquisition & Control System (SCADA) for the transfer of Water (system included water treatment station (Reverse Osmosis), 3 pumping station, 3 reservoirs) (Schneider PLC’s+ Citect Scada)
  • Safir Engineering - Automation Engineer

    Quincy-Voisins 2006 - 2006 Engineering, Programming and commissioning of 3 Portable Gas detectors, system includes SIEMENS S7 200 PLC
    Connected with TD200 and zellweger gas detector
  • SNB/SBOA Group Castel, Algeria - Automation Engineer

    2004 - 2005 Troubleshooting & Maintenance/ Commissioning & Start-up of new installations, Team leader


  • University Of Sciences And Technology Of Oran, Algeria (Oran)

    Oran 1998 - 2004 Ingenieur


Annuaire des membres :