


En résumé

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If you'd like to network, please contact me through InMail rather than a Viadeo invitation.

If you are interested in a job at Siemens please see our website at:

SIEMENS is a global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering, operating in the industry, energy and healthcare sectors.

SIEMENS is always looking for new talents don’t hesitate and join us for this exciting adventure! Send us your complete application to = >

Depuis 1847, Siemens perpétue l’esprit de son fondateur, Werner Von Siemens. Fournisseur mondial de solutions électroniques et électriques pour la filière Énergie, est présent dans plus de 190 pays. Nous offrons une large gamme de produits novateurs dans les domaines de l'efficacité énergétique, de la productivité industrielle, de l'infrastructure intelligente et de la santé, au service d’un développement durable. Siemens fêtes ses 50 ans de présence en Algérie depuis 1962. Bien avant cela, voire, depuis 1857 déjà, le fondateur du groupe participait déjà à l’installation du 1er câble télégraphique en haute mer entre l’Europe et l’Afrique, plus particulièrement entre Cagliari et Annaba. Aujourd’hui, nous restons fidèles à notre histoire et à nos valeurs. Avec l’ambition d’apporter des réponses à la hauteur des enjeux de demain.

Pour trouver des réponses aux questions les plus essentielles de notre temps, nous recherchons des hommes et des femmes qui osent les poser. Des personnes curieuses, ayant une connaissance approfondie du monde dans lequel nous vivons. Des personnes investies, déterminées à trouver les bonnes réponses. Des gens qui veulent faire la différence à l'instar de plus de 360 000 salariés de Siemens et peut-être tout comme vous.

Spécialisations :Electronics & Electrical engineering, Industry and Healthcare

Mes compétences :


  • Siemens - Algeria Talent Acquisition

    Saint-Denis 2012 - maintenant Lead the Recruitment Practice for all SIEMENS Businesses in Algeria

    Siemens AG is a German multinational conglomerate company headquartered in Munich, Germany. It is the largest Europe-based electronics and electrical engineering company.

    Siemens is an integrated technology company with activities in the fields of industry, energy and healthcare. It is organised into six main divisions: Industry, Energy, Healthcare, Equity Investments, Siemens IT Solutions, and Services and Siemens Financial Services (SFS). Siemens and its subsidiaries employ approximately 360,000 people across nearly 190 countries and reported global revenue of approx 71 billion euros for the year of 2011. Siemens AG is listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since March 12, 2001.

    The history of Siemens in Algeria dates back to 1857 when Werner von Siemens participated to the first pan-oceanic telegraphic cable installation between Europe and Africa (more precisely between Cagliari, the capital of Sardinia and Annaba in Algeria). Siemens established its first Representative Office in Algeria in 1962, the country’s year of independence. Today, the company employees more than 300 employees and is playing an active role in the country’s energy, transportation, water, industry and healthcare sectors.
  • RH PARTNERS - Human Resources Consulting & Recruitment

    Royan 2011 - 2012 Recruitment consultant and hunting for larger international companies in Algeria

    The areas of my expertise are:
    - Recruitment, search and selection of top- and mid level managers and high qualified technical specialists with a thorough knowledge of modern breeding techniques, evaluation of potential.Expatriate coaching, and Expatriate candidates evaluations, for the Algerians and International companies, located in Algeria, Africa and Middle East areas;

    - Out-staffing projects;

    I have been working with various projects in the different fields of the business: Retail, PR and Marketing, RH, Finance, Law, Audit and Accounting, Medical or Pharmaceutical business, Logistic, Sales, Real Estate and Investments, Business development, Industry, Oil & Gas, Construction and others, without having deep specialization, but mostly managing top and middle managerial positions. My goal is to find the best candidate for position and find interesting positions for excellent people.


    RH PARTNERS started in Bordeaux (France) in 1984 and its vocation is to assist companies in finding or promoting the best available human resources.
    Today with 30 offices worldwide RH Partners is constantly investing to reinforce and consolidate its offer of consultancy services in human resources.
    RH PARTNERS RECRUITMENT seeks out the most suitable Company/Candidate fit while proposing a wide range of solutions to find and select those with the best skills. Our services includes recruitment either by media press/internet/sourcing or by direct approach (head hunting). Mix approach is also available.

    RH PARTNERS CAREER focuses on Career and Transition Management. Our value proposition here consists of personnel improvement within their environment with such actions as Assessments of potentials and skills, Coaching of middle and top management, and Outplacement of individuals or groups. HR challenges of our clients are better met because we bring a strong and readily available knowhow.

    RH PARTNERS ASSISTANCE completes our offer as it proposes to put one or more consultants at Client’s disposal for an agreed time in order to deal with all issues related to HR Management, such as handling recruitment activities completely or partially, management of a candidate data base, creation of an assessment center and development of evaluation tools, development of a skills reference file, audits…

    RH PARTNERS Assets
    • 25 years of experience in Human Resources consultancy
    • Regional proximity and high reactivity
    • Large geographical coverage, 30 offices, 150 collaborators
    • One of the top five HR consultancy groups in France and Europe
    • 2500 recruitments per year
    • Quality Assurance, certification ISO 9004.2.
    • Tested methodologies (reclassification, recruitment…)
    • Experience of reinsertion and recruitment of large population
    • Thorough knowledge of the regional contexts (culture, economy, work market…)

    recruiting, human resources, consultancy, outplacement, career, help, counseling. career
    Localisation : Alger - Algérie
  • Mission Economique Prés l'Ambassade de France - Alger - Stagiaire

    2008 - 2008 Rattachée à une Ambassade, la Mission économique est une des composantes d’un réseau unifié du Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances et de l’Emploi doté d’une présence mondiale.

    Il existe 156 Missions Economiques implantées dans 113 pays. Par le biais des services à compétence régionale, ce sont 155 pays qui sont couverts par le réseau public d’appui au développement international des entreprises françaises.

    Outre les Missions Economiques à l’étranger, ce réseau comprend les Directions régionales du commerce extérieur (DRCE), UBIFRANCE. La DGTPE et ses services à l’étranger travaillent également en liaison étroite avec des partenaires tels que la Coface, les Conseillers du commerce extérieur de la France, les Chambres de commerce et d’industrie françaises à l’étranger, le MEDEF International, les fédérations professionnelles, etc.

    C’est une équipe biculturelle de spécialistes français et locaux, animée par un Chef de Mission.
  • SOLIC ALGERIE - Consultant en recrutement

    2008 - 2010 - Definition and validation of the research methodology;
    - Selection of candidates by direct or indirect approaches.
    - Evaluation and follow-up interviews after hiring.
    - Manage the database; workshop animation
    - Customer Relationship Management

    Solic Group, Human Resources and recruitment Consultancy firm, originally specialized in the Information Systems, has developed later in Finance Management, Legal, Tax, Marketing Sales, Etc.

    Partner of large multinational groups in Algeria, SOLIC ALGERIE is a team composed of French and Algerian consultants
    backed by resources from SOLIC France.

    SOLIC Recruitment:
    A team which combines local market knowledge, service quality professionalism, international standards.
    SOLIC offers a quality process :
    We will help you to formalize your job descriptions, using highly technical selection tools and provide you with a transparent client reporting.
    SOLIC supplies several methods for sourcing candidates which guarantee the success of your recruitement campaigns.

    SOLIC Consulting
    A responsive team focusing on your needs.
    Advising new companies on salary benchmarks, local job market’s specificities and Algerian recruitment regulations.
    Tailor-made packages in order to help you in your HR development policy (skills manage ment, social barometer, career interviews)
    Certified coaches who will improve your individual or team performance.

    Références: Itochu, Mediaco, Nissan, SGA, SCCA, Bureau Veritas, SAIPEM, LG, Raynears aluminium, Cegelec, GE Health Care, Samsung engineering, Doka, Galina Bianca, Keolis, Credal, ALD Automotive, Coca Cola, Biomerieux, Legrand Electric, DP World Algeria, EIIC (Emirates investment international corporation).
  • FP7 McCann - Group Leader Assistant

    2006 - 2006 - Exclusive interface between client and creative workshop.
    - Implementation of customer specifications.
    - Defining the issues in marketing communication objectives.

  • Free Lance - Business Development

    2006 - 2008 - Launch assistance in Algeria for a Brazilian company specialized in interior design of luxury hotels based in Dubai (UAE).
    - Authorised Officer for a British tourism representative company, event and public relations, London (UK).
    - Commercial representation in Algeria of an international leader in the extraction and processing of marble, Thassos Island, Greece.



    Alger 2001 - 2006 administration des entreprises, commerce international, ingenieur commercial
Annuaire des membres :